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Taurus Moon


Your reigning need . .

is to feel emotionally stable and materially secure. The former is taken care of by the fact that you are reluctant to pursue any idea or activity that is going to rock the boat, coupled with the fact that you do have a fairly unflappable nature. Ironically, however, when a change is required you could be slow to act, or become bored, to the point of unbalancing your position.

Where material stability is concerned, you have a natural sense of the importance of property and income. From the word go, you use your developed market instincts and sense of value to satisfy this need. The danger here is that you can let material considerations blind you to your emotional and psychological requirements. In any event though, you are unlikely to get caught without the material wherewithal, and providing there isn't a mean streak in your personality, you can be of great material support and assistance to others who are less financially 'together'.

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