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Aries Moon


Your reigning need . .

is to be independent or out in front in some way. So you are predisposed to staying as childlike and as unattached as possible and you have a competitive soul. What you want is all-important to you - even though you may not be quite conscious of what that is! Others will find your single-mindedness either stimulating or exasperating. You run on a kind of 'battle-stations' program, operating on the assumption that a moving target is harder to hit.

This is all very exciting, but at some point you have to settle for the fact that if wish to have security you will have to make some kind of commitment. But then again, you might just go for being the eternal youth in the eternal now - and let security take care of itself. Your mixed feelings about security mainly have two things behind them: an insecure or pushy mother, or the sense that feeling too secure would dull your spontaneity and need for action.

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