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Aquarius Moon


Your reigning need . . .

is to become free of feelings that compromise your freedom. As if to precipitate this, emotional experiences early on in life were shocking, unusual or alienating in some way. Your mother probably related to you mentally rather than emotionally, or she may not have wanted you, so you learned to distance yourself from raw feelings like anger, fear and desire - or even from soft and sentimental ones. All this made you a bit too tolerant of others' emotional natures, or indifferent to them.

You became an observer of life and so consequently you can be a good listener and provide impartial advice. This might be fine for others, but it all leaves you rather out of touch with the power of your feelings - because you maintain a space between you and them, as you had to do in the past. What you have to do is actually get back in touch with what caused you to feel so intensely in the first place and then prompted you to take that step back.

If you do not do this consciously then you will find yourself in emotional situations that force your real feelings to the surface in quite an unpleasant or disruptive way. But either way, you can then see, with your cool and objective eye, what is preventing you from emotionally responding freely - which is not the same thing as not emotionally responding at all.

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