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Pisces Moon


Your reigning need . . .

is to feel accepted for what you are and to gain acceptance for others who you feel need it. What is responsible for this is your enormous compassion and sensitivity. I have to say that an equally important need of yours is to find a means of managing this sensitivity.

Without properly handling this openness to the feelings of all and sundry, you can be overwhelmed by something or someone in particular to the point of being emotionally incapacitated. Probably owing to your mother's unstable feelings, or perhaps even her selflessness, you are unconsciously on the lookout for someone to save or someone to be saved by. Such a predisposition is asking for trouble, in the form of being hopelessly in love, or craving something or someone unattainable.

And even if you do have your dream come true, it is then only too likely that the dream fades and ordinary reality - which you loathe - then returns. Any of these eventualities can lead to quite dubious means of easing the pain of disappointment - drugs and alcohol being the prefered options.

Ultimately, you have to appreciate that you are a soulful being in a rather soulless world and take the necessary steps to protect yourself - like meditation or some other spiritual discipline. Your dream for a better world - through art or healing - can then be more safely pursued and surely maintained.

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