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Leo Moon


Your reigning need . . .

is to receive attention and acclaim which is most likely owing to the fact that you either did not get enough attention as a child (for probably quite unavoidable reasons), or you got a lot of it and grew to expect it. In the first case, when you do get attention, you may feel uncomfortable and not quite know what to do with it. In the second, you can get disproportionately upset when you aren't noticed or appreciated.

In both cases what you do require is a means of getting attention, holding it, and justifying it. Because you do have a generous sense of drama, fun, and creativity, this should not be too difficult. At the same time, be prepared to take some constructive criticism of your 'act'. The child in you who is precious about being unconditionally admired as a sign of love must not be allowed to run the show; otherwise others could express their discomfort at this in a far more dramatically distressing fashion than mere criticism of you. Not surprisingly, with the child so strong and alive in you, you can be a wow with children themselves.

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