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Libra Mercury

Libra Mercury

The way that you think . .

is based largely on how you feel in relating to others. Consequently, you're inclined to agree at the expense of failing to contact how you yourself actually feel about a given issue - until later, when you then have to 'agree' with someone else. All this results in the person to whom you relate most intimately becoming frustrated because they don't know which side of the fence you're on. What they don't see is that you're striving to keep the peace amongst a wide variety of people and opinions. However, the point that any close associate is trying to make is that you have to have a yardstick of your own; otherwise no-one will get your measure and they will consequently find you hard to take seriously. This would be a great shame, considering that your decision - when finally made - is the one most likely to be the fairest.

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