Love Life & Forecast – a guide to successful dating

Discover if this is your year to find love. View Love Life Forecast Sample

Venus, the planet of love and romance, is a pivotal influence in defining…

How you fall in love, stay in love and what you look for in a lover and ‘soul mate’. It not only represents love and affection, but also harmony, cooperation and the way you feel about and react towards other people. It reveals the kind of lover you are and how you express yourself when you are in love.

Outlines the way you express love…

Detailing your way of being, speaking and creating chances in your love-life – your ‘love expression’ showing how you act, wonder and behave as well as pleasurable characteristics you possess as a lover.

Best days for Love…

The second part helps you decide when to make yourself available for that important date as well as any other romantic or social activity, showing the best days for love during the coming year.

How do we know?

The ‘transits’ of the planet Venus, as it moves through the Solar system show how you change, grow and develop in your relationships in general and your love life in particular. In your ‘Lovers Guide’ we interpret the transits that Venus will make to the other planetary bodies; Lover’s Guide should only be used as a helpful guide for the periods indicated. At all times it is for you to make use of your most positive characteristics and the periods indicated.


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