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Justin Timberlake Pathfinder Report Sample

Justin Timberlake Born 31 Jan 1981

Sat 18 30 00 6 00 W 35 09 N 90 03 W

This  is your Pathfinder Report, personalised to the date,  time and place of your birth; based on the principle that you are happiest when you are doing what you want to do most.
The  ancients believed that, at the moment of birth, as  the soul journeys to the earth, it brings with  it the influences of the planets which it passes  on its way. This set of influences becomes the individual's map or horoscope. It becomes their internalised path.
Purposelessness  is perhaps the greatest dis-ease of our  time. Without meaning life is empty. But what is the purpose and meaning of this life ? Why are we here ?
We  are here to walk our  path, on the earth, beneath  the sky. The inner  sky becomes our path on
Pathfinder Report asks the questions:
Who Am I ?
Which describes your being, your central core, your 'I' and your ways of declaring who you are.
Why Am I Here ? 
Which looks at your purpose.
Where Do I Come From ?
Which  deals with roots and ancestry, the foundations of your spiritual and psychological make-up. Your personal history.
Where Am I Going ?
Which  portrays your  direction in the  world and  your spiritual  unfolding. The place  where you ground your vision and your manner of increasing wisdom and evolution.
How Do I Get There ?
Is  about your path. How you channel, filter and focus  who you are. The place where you find your vision and identity; your separateness.
Who Are My Helpers ?
Considers  friends, enemies and lovers; relationships and what you learn from them. How you die as an individual and are reborn as a child of the universe; losing your separateness and merging with the other-than-you.
What Will Heal Me ?
Describes how you heal yourself and others by becoming whole.
Ultimately,  it answers  the question, How  can I  find my  integrity and  live my life  fully and effectively?    The answer is a marriage of the heaven and earth within.
Pathfinder  Report is not a personal  description. It is more of a  'How To' manual, attempting to clarify your potential and tell you how you can fulfil it.
There may seem to be some contradictions in the report, because human beings, and their lives, are full of paradoxes. Pathfinder Report shows you how to marry these differences within yourself.
Look  out for themes and patterns that emerge in your  mind as you read the report. These are your focal, strong, points of emphasis in your life.
As you read the report again, from time to time, more information will emerge.
You may find the report wordy. Words have been used intentionally, not only to convey meaning, but to  create the magical effect of sounds woven together.  They are the interpretative tool, used to capture  the essence and the  influence of the  astrological symbolism. They are  the channel. The effect is the path.
A  note about parents. The nurturing,  or inner, parent, more likely to  be your father, with whom
you  relate on an unseen, spiritual level, in essence. can also be your mother, or anyone else who fulfilled  that role in your life. The dominant, or  outer, parent, more likely to be your mother, with,  and through whom, you relate  to the world, on the  material plane, in so-called 'reality', can  also be either. You will know which role has  been played by whom or whether they have shared or alternated in these roles.
Each  parent can take either role  at different times. What is important  is that your parents, or carers, have shared a parenting attitude and dynamic, and you have been influenced by it.
If there are parts of you portrayed that you do not readily recognise, think about denial and what you  are not owning as your own. You may be  attracting other people to fulfil parts of your chart that  you are not fulfilling for yourself; eg the  male role, the female role, your worldly image. Where you are given alternatives, they will not usually all be true for you.
Remember  that, whether  you are male  or female,  your will  have both  male and female  parts of yourself,  which need to function  in relationship with each  other. Otherwise you  can never be a complete  person and will always  be dependent on someone  else to fulfil these  roles for you. In this way you can never take up your own power, but remain trapped in dependency.
For this reason this report does not have separate interpretations for men or women.
Finally,  if there are  parts of the  interpretation with which  you cannot identify,  this may be because  they are in potential and have not yet been developed to their fullest possibility. So do re-consider.  You may not be conscious  of these things at this time  and they may become apparent later.  Your potential will unfold in time, as you mature. So you have an idea of what is in store for you and what you need to develop.
Walk in beauty and happy travelling. 
Who am I?
* Sun in Aquarius
You  are  the individualist,  the  non-conformist,  the  revolutionary and  the  reformer;
original,  unusual, unpredictable, spontaneous; sudden,  changing, impatient and shocking.
You are the challenger of authority and the breaker of rules; the rebel, wanting to change
the  world. You are the  eccentric, the genius, the inventor,  the analyst, the scientist;
the awakener, pouring out your knowledge upon the world; sharing it with humanity; seeking advances  in all walks of life and areas of human achievement. You are the explorer of the unknown,  the irrational, the bizarre;  the occultist. You are  the open-minded thinker of new  thoughts and ideas; the intellectual, the idealist  and the ruthless seeker of truth.
You  are intuitive knowing, visionary, aware of future possibility; often absent-minded or
preoccupied,  professorial. You are the altruist, the humanitarian, the philanthropist and
the  friend; more concerned with humanity  than individuals; impersonal, detached, distant
but  not  indifferent; the  outsider,  the  exile  and the  loner;  and  the  icy bolt  of
compassionate truth.

* Sun in Aquarius
You  find  your true Self  through the assertion  of progressive  ideas about 
deep truth and emotional honesty
in your roots, culture, family, home and inner life;
projecting a personality which tends to exaggerate
balance, harmony and mutual co-operation
in your self-evaluation, use of possessions, wealth and resources;
whilst your soul seeks the power of 
balance, harmony and mutual co-operation
in communication, exploration and understanding of your environment.
* ASC in Leo
You express your personal identity when radiating 
innovation, altruism and individuality 
in daily work;
and your social identity through your progressive approach to 
deep truth and emotional honesty
in your roots, culture, family, home and inner life;
projecting your public image through the refinement of
steady work, stabilisation and materialisation 
in creative and re-creational activities.
* Mercury in Pisces
You  have a kind, considerate and willing mind which is rather chaotic and disorganised at
times; not very practical and open to the thoughts of others and their influence. Although
your  mind is pleasant and gentle, your thoughts  empathetic and compassionate, you can be
confused,  distracted and absent-minded. This  is because you tend to  think in images and
through perceptions, impressions and feelings. Your thinking is transcendent, diffused and
you  find it difficult to define your thoughts or convert them into words, which, for you,
are  too logical and  limiting; communication can  be difficult,  although you communicate
well  on psychic levels.  Hence you  tend to waffle;  or talk too  much. You  appear to be
forgetful,  but impressions that you receive can be indelible. Your lack of verbal clarity
can  lead to  dishonesty,  in an  attempt to  cover  up your  mistakes, or  to  deceit and
delusion. You often feel misquoted or misunderstood and find yourself in messy situations,
where  explanation becomes even more difficult; until such  time as you have come to terms
with  your unique way of thinking  and have learned how to use  it in practical ways. Your
thinking  processes add originality, vision and flexibility; consideration and softness to
your individuality; also clairvoyance and the ability to utilise dreams and imagery.

Why Am I Here?
* Sun in Aquarius
You are here to develop the ability to use collective power; by the fixed concentration of
thoughts, to realise them; to change the quality of energies released in interpersonal and
social  interplay; to be  used in the  name of and for  the sake of  society; through your
conception  of the future; making man aware of new possibilities. You are here to shake up
old institutions which have become rigid. You are a functioning agent of society; bringing
the  social activities of  society to a cultural  flowering; inventing for  the benefit of
society; studying humanity; evolving social and group togetherness; developing the Utopian
dream,  the future;  cutting  with the  past and  discarding bogus  authority  and outworn
traditions, ushering in the new order.   You are here in the interests of developing world
service,  not in  the  interests of  developing your  self; although  your  may experience
loneliness,  being unable to personalise divine love.   You are here to fight for liberty,
justice and equality; your own freedom, that you may serve the needs of humanity.
* Sun in 6th House
Your purpose is best expressed through flexibility, adaptability, understanding, analysis,
communication,  intelligence and  mental  expression; material  and  objective goals;  the
earning  of your daily  bread; work, skills,  precision, daily  routines, mundane matters;
health  matters, care  of the  body;  and attention  to the  messages that  it  gives you;
discipline, discipleship and personal service; adjustment to necessity; self-purification,
self-perfection,  self-transformation and completion of  your individuality;   living your
original nature in simplicity;
* Leo in 1st House
and  through direct  action, self-awareness,  your appearance;  the establishment  of your
personal identity;
* Sagittarius on 5th House Cusp
by  radiating love, joy, creativity, vitality  and power; expressing your will,
self-motivation  and spontaneity; experiencing  personal fulfilment  and happiness through
expansiveness, enthusiasm, sociability, optimism, trust and faith in the future;
* Venus in 5th House
and  through your receptivity, femininity, beauty  and self-evaluation; your validation of
life,  love affairs and  validation through  love; your emotional  need to  be mirrored in
love; self-projection into your creations, which can result in attachment and 
* Sun in Aquarius
You  have the ability to reflect your  potential for humanitarian ideals, forward thinking
and genius
in your daily work and service 
through expansiveness and optimism
in your home, family and inner life.

Where Do I Come From?
* Leo Ascendant
You  came into this world with great expectation  and elation. You were wanted, valued and
accepted.  Consequently you  automatically expect  love, admiration, to  be the  centre of
attention, to be applauded, having been treated as rather special, although not 
necessarily  spoiled. Being encouraged to develop your considerable talents and abilities,
your  were also subjected to a rather authoritarian  regime, from one parent at least, and
expected  to conform to certain traditional and possibly religious family standards. There
may  have been competition  between you  and your father.  There would  have been material
comfort  and security, respectability  and high standards  in your childhood,  but you may
have  felt isolated, slightly apart, due to your specialness, and the exploitation of your
talents, feeling loved only for your performances, not for you as you are.
* IC in Scorpio
You  come from a  background of raw  emotions, traumas and  subterranean dangers, seething beneath  the fabric of your  family; hidden power, violence and  frustration. You may have been  influenced by death, suicide or raw sexuality  in your early home life; by jealousy, greed and manipulation; the need for personal gratification.
Your  ancestors were mysterious,  powerful people, living  dangerously and  exposed to the
hazards  and perils of  life. They may  have had  some connections with  witchcraft or the
occult.  You have  inherited courage and  the ability  to confront your  emotions, however
dangerous the death of your ego may feel to you.
Your father or dominant parent was powerful, possibly violent, dominated by what he failed
to  face,  his  shadow;  a  dark force  in  your  life;   sexually  threatening;   raging,
impotent,  frustrated, inadequate. You may have been influenced by his sexual relationship
with your mother; his selfish need for gratification; or by his death.
You  are a soul  with hidden  power, smouldering in  the depths  of your unconscious;   an
indestructible  phoenix  who rises  again  and  again from  the  ashes  of your  emotional
destruction, rebuilding, regenerating, your inner resources.
Your  life will be based on intensity;  courage; truth; emotional honesty; self-knowledge;
unveiling pretences; taking up authority; facing fear, immortality; letting go of control;
balancing  feelings  with actions;  re-orientations,  transformations, upheavals,  crises;
connecting  to the  earth,  its mysteries,  and  the secrets  of  human nature;   passion,
sexuality, fusion with another.
* Moon in Sagittarius
Your  father has given you the inspiration and ability to use your instinct for enthusiasm
and exploration
in your home and inner life
by bringing independence and humanity 
into your daily work, service and self-purification.
* Jupiter in Libra
He  also taught  you to consider  challenges well;  to weigh  up situations and  make fair
judgements.  He inspired your  kindness, generosity, warmth and  love; social interaction,
relationship  to others,  awareness of  their beliefs and  realities and  consideration of
their  needs; and encouraged a relaxed and pleasurable life style, with plenty of fun; but
possibly also a blind optimism and refusal to face reality; a degree of laziness. However,
he  instilled in you  a love of  elegance, comfort and  a refined life-style;  the love of
beauty for its own sake; and inspired you to find meaning and purpose in diplomacy and the
creation  of harmony.   However, you may  now portray yourself as  more just and unbiased, less self-interested, than you really are.
* Saturn in Libra
However,  deep down, you experienced  your father as  well-balanced, diplomatic, just. But
you  may have found him to be  indecisive, weak-willed, non-confrontative; with a tendency
to  idealise or rationalise emotions; dependent upon his relationship with your mother for
his  identity and authority; and for  love and intimacy. He has not  given you a model for
dealing  adequately with anger, although he has  given you some help in self-understanding
and  sorting your own problems.  You may have  felt restricted by the  lack of relatedness
between your parents; and threatened by your inability to live up to the perfectionism and
idealism  of your father. You therefore tend to  feel inhibited, weak and inadequate, when
it  comes to  standing on your  own two  feet; or  asserting your individuality;  and have
learned  to hate your gentleness and lack of confrontative ability. You feel sensitive and
vulnerable when trying to express your love; powerful emotions and anger. Because he could not  fully unite his own  ideals and emotional energy,  your father could  not give you an adequate  model for uniting  your own creatively,  However, he  did give you  the seeds of gentleness, peacefulness and equanimity to develop for yourself.
* Moon in 4th or Conjunct IC 
Your  home and family,  roots and culture  form the  basis for your  emotional life, inner
processes,  rhythms  and fluctuations.  You  are  emotionally tied  to  the  past and  its
influences upon you, including ancestors and figures of authority. You need to search your
deepest soul; to find inner light and love, for real security.
* Uranus in 4th or Conjunct IC
Deep  within  you is  a  genius with  a  deep-seated  need to  make  changes who,  through
insecurity,  can leave or destroy what is dear to you. Detached and eccentric attitudes in
your  upbringing have left you unsettled, moving house  often, yet open to innovations and
the  development of  exciting  new ideas.  Finding your  inner roots  and  beingness, your
universal family of like-minded people, will give you security.
* Neptune in 4th or Conjunct IC
You  are an  idealistic and compassionate  soul, feeling  psychically connected to  all of
humanity. The absence of your parents, either physically or emotionally, in childhood, has
left  you idealising,  dreamy, unrealistic.  Your security  can be  found by  finding your
rootedness in spirituality and marrying this with material reality.
* Chiron in Taurus 
Your parents came either from a moral and critical background, which has been imposed upon you;  morals which do  not fit  for you; or  they came  from a promiscuous  and permissive generation who had few morals, leaving you to struggle with no given values and a possible invalidation  of your own.  Theirs was  a crisis of  morality, values  and worth. Material wealth  was valued in  your upbringing to  the detriment  of spiritual values;  or, it was shunned  completely, frowned upon; leaving you feeling insecure and awkward,
valueless and of  no real consequence, with little to offer creatively.  You were not quite sure what to do  with your body, which had no proper place  in either set of values. You have inherited the  pain of their  feelings of worthlessness;  their struggle to  find appropriate values that would relate them to nature and humanness, physical instincts and the senses; passion and  beauty; the  inability  to express  love  through physicality,  manifested  as strict control of the body or an effort to transcend it completely.
* Moon in Sagittarius
Your mother, or nurturing parent, was flighty, expansive, unorthodox, unreliable, lenient,
independent, adventurous, like a gypsy; but intelligent, wise, well-read or travelled; she
inspired  you to seek  knowledge and experience,  expand your  understanding, broaden your perspective.  She  was  a  friend  to you,  but  easy-going,  lacking  discipline,  rather
irresponsible,  with little self-control or boundaries. You  had rather loose family ties,
from  which you distanced yourself  anyway, for the sake  of freedom and self-sufficiency.
Your family may have come from a country, culture or religion different from that in which
you grew up; with a very different outlook to yours.
* MC in Taurus
You  may have  experienced  her as  gracious, stylish,  sensuous,  practical; opinionated,
materialistic,  determined,  possessive; valuing  tangible  reality;  possibly selfish  or
acquisitive;  but  beautiful  and  loving.   She  encouraged you  to  strive  for  sensual
comforts,  material possessions; to build stable foundations and orthodox values, possibly
influencing  you  through  her own  sense  of  poverty,  worthlessness  or lack  of  inner
resources. You may have felt the need to compete with her attractiveness.
You  may be unaware  of these  conditioning influences in  your upbringing;  but they have
affected  your current attitudes and expectations;   and may be preventing you from moving on now.
* Moon in Sagittarius
Emotionally,  instinctively and innately you are quick, active, independent and idealistic
- enthusiastic, eager and optimistic - but escapist, scattered, rebellious and unsettled -
restless,  romantic and adventuring  - often unrealistic,  overextending or overestimating
yourself  and your capabilities, not always able to finish things, promising more than you
can  offer, thinking  big; unreliable,  disappointing others,  making promises  you cannot
keep;   but candid, sincere and outspoken - religious, honourable, philosophical, eloquent
and  prophetic - kindly, witty and good-humoured  - affectionate, fun-loving, sociable and
humanitarian.  You have many  acquaintances, many  superficial interactions, but  few very
intimate relationships.
You  yearn for space, freedom,  movement and an  understanding of life, which  you seek by constantly expanding your horizons; loving to travel, expose yourself to foreign cultures,
learning,  further education. You also yearn for God. You like to be engaged in meaningful
activities;   stimulating  the minds of  others; teaching; and are  nourished by universal
understanding and relationship.   You are fond of activity and people. You hate to be tied
down,  making commitments,  inactivity, being  alone; but  will evaluate  your experiences
conceptually in order to formulate your life-philosophy;
* Moon in 4th House
and  find emotional comfort, safety and security in your home and family, domesticity; the
past  and your original family. Your father may have been the original carer and nurturer.
You  are influenced by  atmospheres and seek peace,  calm and safety  in your environment, being  somewhat fearful  of the  world, insecure,  retreating  easily, gathering  your own around  you. If your home life is happy, then you will find that your outer life is happy; but  you  may suffer  from  early coddling  and  protectiveness.   Although  love was  not lacking,  worldly models may have been and you may not have been encouraged to venture far from  your home  and  family; the  ties being  somewhat incestuous  and  restricting; also guilt-producing.   Now your own resentment can hold you back.
* South Node in Aquarius 
In  the past  you  have increased  your  capacity for  vision,  inventiveness, 
innovation, detachment,  humanitarianism, involvement with  collective ideals and  goals; creating new
institutions  for the future  of society;  developing awareness through  your interactions
with  groups of people; revolutionary ideas; solid beliefs and altruistic life principles,
which  incorporated  fairness,  equality  and  possibility for  the  growth  of  humanity.
Functioning  collectively, you  have leaned  on other  people, sometimes  dissipating your
energy  through achievement orientation or over-diversification; taking advice from others,
but  rarely following it. You have explored your own freedom, independence and originality
daily,  routine  work, skills,  attention  to  detail; care  of  your  body; devotion  and
self-purification;  through transformative illnesses;  often caused  by dissatisfaction in
your  work;  having  felt victimised,  used  or  unappreciated  in  some way;  bitter  and
resentful;  having created martyrdom and self-pity; yet  often having overworked anyway in
an  attempt to control the chaos that you have  always seemed to find around you; and your
confused  feelings about  sexuality,  being torn  between permissiveness  and  prudery; or
exhausted yourself through nit-picking and over-attention to detail. You are familiar with
this area of life and revert to it instinctively.

Where Am I Going?
* MC in Taurus
Your  destiny is to  transform the conception and  accumulation of social  wealth into the
conception  and accumulation of personal wealth; social desires into personal possessions.
You will find your own wealth, worth, value and resources through the work that you do.
You  will  find fulfilment  through  accumulating and  preserving  personal resources  and
wealth;  generating and producing  bounty; bringing stability and  love; romance; material
security;  sensuous and physical matters; being seen as worthy; public recognition of your
beauty, vitality, healing, strength, loyalty and dependability.
Your  career will be based on the provision  of beauty, comfort and appearances; inner and
outer  peace; caring;   building  and stabilising;  producing, using  and doing  good with
wealth;  owning; providing  the  material goods,  values  and resources  for  physical and
spiritual  growth; personal  ritual;  hard work;  stability,  predictability, reliability;
sensual pleasures and indulgences; involvement with the arts and music.
You  will approach  your  goals slowly,  quietly, deliberately,  methodically,  with care,
calmness, caution, practicality, simplicity; tenacity, stubbornness, determination; 
persistence, possessiveness, rationalisation, productivity; flair and compassion.
Your  talents will  be best  used through   staying  with  one career;  sometimes glamour,
entertainment,  fashion, films; food; touch, massage, care  of the body; using your voice,
speaking, singing; art; form, sculpture, pottery, woodwork, clothing.
You  have the potential and staying power for  steady and fixed pursuits; stable business,
medical  or government activities  of a well-established, old-fashioned  nature, where you
can  use  skill and  tact  through  legitimate means.  You  should  not  change your  work
You  will strive to  symbolise substance; good  taste, serenity,  beauty, harmony, unitive
love; bounty, abundance, fertility, fecundity; down-to-earth practicality; femininity;
* MC in Taurus 
and  will develop your vocation in accumulating and sharing personal wealth and resources,
beauty and comfort, through your validation of
responsibility, maturity, work and materialisation,
in your self-expression, personal creations, children, re-creative activities; speculation,
love  affairs and playful activities which  enable you to feel more  of who you are; where
others can see and enjoy your talents; your enthusiasm, attractiveness, ego-expression and
use of emotional energy;
* Moon in Sagittarius
You  will approach  your career  with intensity,  independence, a  sense of  adventure and
exploration,  intuition, and a  need for freedom; liking  communicating, teaching, sharing
your understanding on a collective level. You like work which is professional, honourable,
dramatic,  communicative; and which  allows you to  be flexible, adaptable  and to travel.
Having  the gift of the gab, you would make a good salesperson, entertainer, even gambler.
You would also do well in sport, usually having a strong and athletic body. If you believe
in  the product  you sell,  you will  be  enthusiastic. You  are attracted  to journalism,
foreign cultures, law, government, politics; but any work you do must be meaningful.
* Capricorn in 6th House
And  will find vocational  expression through work  and service, daily  routine and health
* Mercury in 7th House
You  will  gain  perception  and  find intellectual  stimulation,  mental  expression  and
communication through the exploration of relationships and the experience of partnerships;
relating  yourself to significant others; meeting  interesting people; understanding their
thought  processes  and feelings;  the  working through  of  differences;  the sharing  of
perceptions  and information;  social and  intellectual intercourse;  integrating yourself
through social interaction and relating.
*  Libra on 3rd House Cusp
Approaching  experience,  enquiry  and  education,  the sharing  of  information  with  an
intelligent and tactful mind, but often using strategies; a fair and balanced mind; always
weighing  up opposites and  finding it difficult to  make decisions; yet  seeing grace and
beauty in many things.
* Capricorn on 6th House Cusp
Your  approach to daily work and routine  is responsible, disciplined and hardworking. You
use  initiative and have executive  qualities, being able to direct  others in a practical
and  sensible way. However, you may tend  to take too much on  and feel put upon at times.
You  are  able to  function  with  authority,  but may  feel  that  you  lack ability  and
underestimate the importance of your contribution. You are ambitious and can stick to what
you  start through a sense of professionalism and integrity. You do not like to let others
down.  With colleagues you may  be aloof, even timid  or shy and possibly  find it hard to
feel a part of a team, even when you are functioning in one.
* Sun in 6th House
You  also approach work and  routines with enthusiasm  and feel well and  happy, vital and
alive  when you  are  engaged in  meaningful tasks,  or mastering  and  perfecting skills.
Amongst  colleagues you  work  creatively and  with fairness,  magnanimity  and leadership
qualities and brighten up any work situation.
* Mars in 6th House
You also approach work and routines with energy and enthusiasm. You are a hard worker, can
be  workaholic and  expect others to  work hard  too. However,  you may be  aggressive and
wilful,  expecting others to work at your speed.  You may also channel sexual or emotional
energy into this area of life. With co-workers you have the ability to assert yourself and
also have leadership qualities. Overwork can cause you to suffer physically.
* IC in Scorpio 
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You  will express  your inner  longing for  personal truth,  transformation and  power, by
idealistically expressing
peace, harmony, relatedness and diplomacy,
in the exploration, formulation and development of your own ideas, thoughts and 
experiences; the acquisition of knowledge and understanding; learning from, exchange with,
teaching  and communicating what you know in your immediate environment; interactions with
relatives,  neighbours and  friends; speaking and  being heard  in your own  locality; the
freeing of your mind from your body in abstract thought concepts; and its integration back
again through physical and material life;
* Cancer in 12th House & Moon in 4th or Conjunct IC
and  soul's need for feeling, sensitivity and  security through work with the unconscious,
personally and collectively; transformation through the dissolution of boundaries; 
understanding  infinity, oneness,  divinity; self-sacrifice  and  spiritual enlightenment;
healing, sensitivity, feelings; dreams, visions, imagery; meditation; retreating and inner
work;  overcoming personal limitations; work within an establishment or institution; or in
confinement, isolation or seclusion;
* Aquarius in 7th House & Uranus in 4th or Conjunct IC
and  soul's need for independence, innovation and  freedom of thought through intellectual
communication  and action;  partnerships, joint,  social, collaborative,  co-operative and
communal  activities; awareness of  the significance  of others; serving  others; creating
social  identity and beingness; projection of your  image into relationships and having it
reflected  back  at  you; dealings  with  apparent  enemies;  what  you learn  from  those
experiences and the results of your actions;
* Pisces in 8th House & Neptune in 4th or Conjunct IC
and  soul's need  for  self-sacrifice, spirituality  and compassion  through  deeper level
relationships;  primal emotions;   mergers and group rituals;   the  use of other people's
money  and joint resources; sexual  union; traumas, crises  and changes; your relationship
with  death; the  group and  personal shadow;  how  you recycle  psychic debris;  and your
sensitivity to psychological material;
* Cancer in 12th House
and  will  find emotional  expression  by working  with  the  unconscious, personally  and
collectively;  dreams, visions, meditation, painting, artwork;  retreating and inner work;
overcoming personal limitations, possibly working within an institution.
* North Node in Leo 
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Having focused on collective ideals in the past, the support of friends, you need to stand
alone, developing goals of self-awareness, personal expression, creativity, individuality,
personal  love, will, vitality, satisfaction, ego,  optimism, nobility and magnanimity; to
rely upon your own strength, rather than that of the collective; identifying with your own
core,  your loving  nature;  taking pride  in  your uniqueness  and  individuality; facing
loneliness  at times, without  close friends,  in order to  realise and  develop your many
gifts  and talents;  and  to stand  by your  own  creations, rather  than  contributing to
collective  creativity; focusing  your energy  on present projects,  in a  disciplined and
determined  way, rather than  planning endlessly for the  future. You will  build your own
confidence,  develop  strong  leadership  qualities and  inventively  contribute  much  to
humanity  when you begin  to surrender  the will that  you have  developed, in generosity,
self-sacrifice,  self-transcendence,  hidden resources,  essence,  uncertainty and  trust;
working  with  images,  dreams,  and  the collective  unconscious;  inner  reflection;  in
seclusion,  retreat, isolation,  or confinement  within  an establishment  or institution;
often  finding the physical world very tiring, chaotic, confusing; not always living up to
your  idealism and critical  perfectionism. You need  to use your  organising abilities to
empower  yourself, bringing through what  you know intuitively  in practical ways; healing
yourself  and others in the mundane world, rather than  trying to keep yourself aloof as a
spiritually  perfected being. You will find the essence of everything that you need within
you when you cease to complain about not having it given to you. You need to come to terms
with  restrictions and to  learn to live  with imperfections and  discrimination; when you
surrendering  your victim consciousness  and taking  responsibility for creating  your own
life;  letting go of  your preoccupation with  physical matter and  transforming your mind
through purity and the essence of divinity, which you have the ability to know well.

How Do I Get There?
* Leo Ascendant
You  deal with changes,  crises and new  beginnings with  dignity, presence, graciousness,
self-confidence, vitality; slow, measured capability, reliability, organising and 
leadership qualities, but tending towards grandiosity, dramatising your actions, expecting
recognition and applause, often making much of very little.
Your  path  is  to create  a  personal  ego;  to  develop personal  creativity,  identity,
individuality,  magnanimity,  power and  authority;   the  power  of  your own  Self,  the
enlightened  personality; becoming  the most  of what  you  can personally  be; recreating
yourself  in what  you produce, children,  relationships, works;  functioning effectively;
becoming  a person in your own right; unique, proud to be who you are; giving of your true
self with love, with generosity and warmth - unconditionally. You inspire others with your
positive,  sunny, optimistic and commanding attitude,  generating enthusiasm; and confront
challenges  in order to  succeed, not to  win; taking control  and command of  all that is
yours,  self-control of your vital energy, in  order to function effectually, with modesty
and  humility, not in order to  compete or gain mastery over others,  but in order to earn
self-esteem from the experience of your own actions.
You need to focus your life through your life-giving energy; your spiritual  self-sufficiency,  your  ability to  heal  through love,  life  and  vitality; your  inner radiance; the power of your personal will; generosity, sincerity, loyalty and  expansiveness, stemming from your inner resource and ego strength, your moral decency; the divinity of your own creative force, which makes you a shining example for others; to take responsibility  for what you produce, knowing  it as the power  of God within you, seeking expression  through you, and through all that you possess and express. Only giving of this freely,  unconditionally, will give you the inner recognition, the recognition of your own Self, and its expression, by yourself, which you need, in order to feel fulfilled; and the reflection  of that in  your creations; the feeling  of well-being that  results from full creative functioning; the pride that you feel in your self-propagation.
* ASC in Leo 
Your  path  of  personal  identity  will  evolve through  the  radiation  of  
innovation, altruism and individuality, in your daily, physical work, practical routines, mundane activities, service to others;   adjustment  to necessity;  discipline  and discipleship;  practise  of meaningful  skills; taking  care of  your  health;   listening to  the messages  you receive  from  your body; self-purification, self-perfection, self-transformation and completion of your  individuality;   living your original nature in simplicity;
* Mars in Aquarius 
separating and differentiating yourself; forming individuality and an independent 
identity;  self-definition and  self-centredness;  direction, drive,  momentum,  focus and
one-pointedness; confidence, will and courage; projecting your Self outwards;   developing
assertiveness, self-sufficiency and models of effective action; potency; attaining 
short-term, material and worldly goals; with enduring, open-minded thought and 
revolutionary mental activity; through innovation, altruism and philanthropy; with 
caution,  intellect and enterprise; progressive ideas and unconventionality; a passion for
intellectual  challenges,  new ways  of  thinking, freedom  and  the  future of  humanity;
channelling  your desires into  inventiveness and individuality; your  sudden insights and
rash  decisions into social creativity;  political causes, social  changes, fights for the
rights  of humanity, freedom of speech and avante  guarde ideas; advances and modernism in
art,  literature, science or technology; needing to  temper your tyrannical fanaticism and
stubborn  opinions with compassion for  the human state.  You express your ego-centredness through  arguments  and debates;  inciting  others to  action;  needing  to exchange  your passionate  beliefs for a dose of the other  fellow's point of view; your eccentricity and rebellion  against tradition  and authority  for maturity  and  inner authority;  and your abrasive, self-righteous outspokenness for a little tact and diplomacy; as you can be cold, cutting and alienating in your quest for change;
* Mars in 6th House 
channelling  your energy and enthusiasm; dealing  with conflicts; accepting challenges and
confrontations;  with vitality  and youthful  optimism; through  organisation, efficiency,
industry and activity in daily work routines; mundane and mechanical matters; vitality and
health of the body; patience with employees and co-workers and their methods of operating;
* Aries on 9th House Cusp
asserting your individuality and initiating action through the expansion of your horizons,
mind  and understanding of life, the search for  meaning and purpose, your relationship to
the  universe; the  building of  a religious or  spiritual philosophy;  your psychological
* Venus in 5th House
attaining  inner and  outer wealth; accumulating  personal resources;  expressing yourself
artistically;  attracting and  expressing love, through  your personal  attractiveness and
self-expression;  personal creations; beautiful  children and the pleasure  that they give
you;  the  wealth  that  they  bring  to you;  hobbies,  artistic  or  musical  abilities;
re-creative  activities; the ability to  attract love affairs  and romantic encounters; to
share fun and sensuality with lovers; and playful activities which enable you to feel more
of who you are;
* Virgo on 2nd House Cusp 
building  material stability and security, using your  personal resources through work and
service; skilful means and practicality;
* Taurus on 10th House Cusp
bringing  pleasure and  beauty; ritualising;  stabilising; giving form  and value  to your
public  or professional  standing and  status, your  social position  and image,  what you
achieve and contribute to the community, vocation and responsibility.
* Saturn in Libra
In time, with caution, commitment and discipline; restraint and hard work; by throwing off
parental  expectations and social conditioning; and by  taking responsibility for your own
path,  you can realistically channel  your inner authority into  your ambitious ability to
balance  your will through justice; bringing peace, harmony and equanimity into the world;
possibly  art or music; fairness, equality and truth; diplomacy; consideration for others'
feelings; developing your artistic and aesthetic talents.
By  accepting separateness, aloneness, and differentiation, which initially means exposing
your  vulnerability, you  can  build self-confidence,  by developing  sound  and intuitive
judgement;  seriousness  and loyalty  in  relationship  and  partnership; co-operation  and
collaboration;  greater  intimacy  and intellectual  understanding;  commitment;  allowing
ambition  to outweigh your fear; slowly; ultimately serving society through the mastery of
your own life and the lessons which you have learned in it.
* Saturn in 2nd House
You  can enjoy the  satisfaction of this learning  process and the  rewards and experience
that  you gain from it;  the insight into  and understanding of your  meaning and purpose,
when  you have  found it; the  truth about  yourself as  opposed to  what you were  led to
believe;  and then the  living of it  by building new  boundaries as you  grow through the
experience,  burdens  and responsibilities  of  the accumulation  and  use  of wealth  and
resources;  the establishment of physical and material stability; and the establishment of
your  own values; the validation and use of  your own, inner, resources; the establishment
of a security based on those inner resources.
* Jupiter in 2nd House
You  can break  negative  ties with  the  past, developing  optimism  and broader  vision,
planning for a brighter future; expanding out of repression and fear, beyond the bounds of
your  family; into a wider universe; gaining  understanding of life's purpose and meaning,
of  your social relatedness and your  place in the plan of things;  and faith and trust in
life's  supportiveness; developing  your own  philosophy  and intellectual  expression, by
exploring  and taking up challenges  in your approach to  finances and material stability.
Somehow  you get your needs met, even though you  spend carelessly and do not respect your
possessions,  because your  attitude to money  is optimistic  and trusting. You  will take
risks financially and usually cope, often with the help of friends to support you when you
are broke; nor do you lack generosity and will give away your last penny to help a friend.
You  like to gamble and often win, but are unable  to hold on to these winnings. Your urge
is  to get beyond material needs and not have to  deal with them; to find an easy solution
to these problems;
* Aries on 9th House Cusp
expanding  your consciousness and understanding through self-assertion and a sense of your
individual identity; through courage and personal authority.

Who Are My Helpers?
* Aquarius Descendant/Leo Ascendant
You  will be influenced by people who are independent, altruistic, innovative, unusual and
generally  concerned with  the  future of  humanity.  People with  an  individual outlook;
self-reliant;  who do  not mind  playing second-fiddle to  your varied  interests; sharing
attention equally with your many friends and acquaintances; forming relationships that are
about  more than  the  personal gratification  of the  participants; with  people  who are
free-minded, open, out of the ordinary, friendly.
Those  who teach you  most will treat  you in  a caring, compassionate,  but detached way;
teaching  you self-sufficiency;  giving  you the  space and  freedom to  develop  your own
identity  through having to  fend for yourself; enabling  you to understand  that there is
more  to life  than your individual  personality; allowing  you to  function as part  of a
larger  system;  sharing common  goals  with others,  without  oppression; friendship  and
You  will form  relationships with people  who encourage  you to  stand on your  own feet;
developing individuality; they will not let you be the centre of their world; or allow you
to live through them. They will be fascinating, capable and successful in their own right,
causing  you to curb the competitiveness in your nature.  You will have to share them with
other  people, as they will have a varied amount of interests; and be highly intellectual.
They  will balance your  passion and enthusiasm,  with cool, quiet,  patience and enduring
tenacity,  helping you  to  use insight  and clear  thinking  in marrying  your  vision of
personal identity with the need to create a social identity, within which you can function
with  co-operation and community, balancing  your rampant egoism;  allowing you to support
and  be supported by others; merging your personal authority and leadership qualities into
joint ventures that allow the expression of many identities.
* Mercury in 7th House or Conjunct Descendant
Also  clever, articulate, educated, people; quick-witted, keen, alert, with whom you learn
about  relatedness; through  your mutual  exploration,  mental and  physical; interesting,
intelligent,  curious, inquisitive,  people who  like to formulate  their own  ideas about
things;  exchanging them  with you  and  teaching you  to make  your own  mind  up; define
yourself  accurately; question and  understand your motivations;  working through problems
with  you; willing  to sort  things out;  talk them  through. Friendly,  playful, youthful
people,  with active minds, who  never grow old, or  lose their sense  of humour. You like
variety  in your associations; and need people to  listen to you; also practical, skilful,
organised people.
* Mars in 7th House or Conjunct Descendant
Also people who are bold, challenging, pioneering, adventurous, daring; 
independent, outspoken, straightforward, direct; lively, energetic, hard-working, 
confronting  people who  will not  act for  you, but with  you; ready  to defend  you, but
leaving  you to  learn  responsibility; taking  their  own; sexually  active,  dynamic and
stimulating, not letting you rest on your laurels; or live your life through them.
* Aquarius Descendant/Leo Ascendant
Your  enemies  and inner  tyrants  will  be  eccentric, erratic,  egocentric,  subjective,
self-centred,  selfish; needing and demanding to be the centre of attention; full of their
own  importance;  dramatic,  affected,  showy, making  extravagant  gestures;  rebellious,
revolutionary,  impatient, cold,  cutting, detached,  non-committal,  unfeeling; stubborn,
pushy, bossy, autocratic, authoritarian; proud, aloof, snobbish, arrogant, vane; 
particular  about surface appearances; about being humanitarian; yet having a cruel streak
to their nature; and a tendency to use people to further their own aims.
* Mercury in 7th House or Conjunct Descendant
And  also narrow-minded, argumentative, provincial people, who do not think, at least, not
for  themselves;  make  their own  minds  up;  copying  other people's  ideas;  collecting
information,  details, opinions,  and swallowing it  wholesale, never  digesting anything;
gossiping; slow, stupid people; unable to make their own decisions; indefinite, 
non-committal,  not explaining themselves; ambivalent, tricky,  slippery and impossible to
pin  down; always finding  excuses for not  feeling, not getting  involved; finding fault,
picking; living in their heads; objective, irrational and therefore impossible.
* Mars in 7th House or Conjunct Descendant
And  also  angry, frustrated,  bossy,  demanding people  who  seek marriage,  partnership,
relationship in order to avoid taking responsibility; as proof of their worthiness; hoping
that  the other person will  complete them; fulfil their inadequacy;  but not compete with
them;  wanting things  their  own way.  Competitive,  impotent, powerless  people  who use
aggression  to  get their  own  way, when  their  models for  action  fail them;  bullies;
egocentrics;  playing games; involved in power struggles; manipulating; and rubbing people
up the wrong way.
* Aquarius Descendant
In  relationship with others you will be attracted  to unusual people. You will need space
and freedom; being able to leave suddenly, if necessary, in order to follow a cause or new
opportunity,  or make a change of  direction; as these things matter  to you more than any
individual  person. However, you  will be honest,  faithful, a good  friend and companion;
inventive,  adventurous,  experimental, open  to  new  ideas  and concepts;  humanitarian,
kindly,  intuitive, intelligent,  good  in conversation;  persevering,  possibly dominant,
enduring;  but not suffering fools  gladly. You are multi-faceted  and extremely varied in
your interests; being open to all races and creeds of people.
Through  relationships you will  be able to  create freedom and  equality; liberation from
prejudices  of convention and tradition; and the restrictions of your youth; independence;
progression;  marrying the need for the creative expression  of the self with the creative
needs  of humanity as a whole; the collective will be more important than the individuals;
but  space will need to be made for individuality  and its need for expression, within the
collective,  partnership, or other co-operative collaboration.  Your relationships will be
unconventional,  where the differentness, uniqueness of the partners must be balanced with
the uniqueness and individuality of the relationship entity; marrying personal ego desires
with  altruistic  motives  and  the  need for  perfectionism;  creating  ideal  man/woman;
balancing individual goals with goals for humanity; equality with natural inequality. Your
relationships  must serve the greater need of humanity; evolution. They must have purpose,
outside  of personal  gratification; merging  with a  higher  ideal; connected  with other
groups,  societies, like-minded social, scientific or spiritual institutions. You and your
partners  must have something to do together  which will further the brother/sisterhood of
man/and  woman; the collective  whole; causing changes  in the  established order; through
discoveries,  visions, reforms and innovations. You will often experience long separations
or  frequent  changes, feelings  of  coldness,  isolation  and estrangement,  until  these
prerequisites are recognised and accepted.
* Mercury in 7th House or Conjunct Descendant
Your relationships will help you to find and express your ability to gather and distribute
information;  sharing what you  know; exploring with  another; operating  within the local
environment; expanding your thinking process; conversation; sharing analysis; 
communication;  mental agility and alacrity; skilfulness;  serving through doing; dealings
with  mundane matters; finding mental  stimulation as exciting  and enlightening as sexual
stimulation; focusing your ideas; and formulating personal concepts.
* Mars in 7th House or Conjunct Descendant
Your  relationships will help you to find and express your identity, potency and power; to
know  yourself as  a separate  person, working  industriously and  energetically alongside
another; making clear boundaries; being clear about your needs and desires; allowing space
for your partner's; giving each other personal freedom;   developing courage and 
assertiveness; getting what you want out of life.
* DESC in Aquarius 
Your relationships of social identity will evolve through your unorthodox attitudes to
truth, transformation and regeneration;  depth and intensity,
in your emotional beingness, feelings and sensitivity; the exploration of your imagination
and  inner, personal  life; your  past and  links with  ancestors; your  home and  base of
operations; your own soul, race, roots and family; the development of an identity which is
separate  from, but  not necessarily different  to, theirs;  finding your inner  light and
shining with it;
* Gemini in 11th House & Mercury in 7th or Conjunct DESC
and your sharing of personal concepts through enquiry, investigation and communication, in
your  social aims, achievements  and ambitions; involvement with  collective ideals, goals
and visions; intellectual understanding and interaction with groups, friends and 
organisations;  social, political and  humanitarian causes;  alternatives, innovations and
reforms; using your vocation and standing in society to contribute to the future evolution
of humanity;
* Virgo in 2nd House & Mercury in 7th or Conjunct DESC
and  your sharing of personal service through precision,  detail and devotion, in your own
values  and sense of stability, self-worth and  self-esteem; the accumulation and positive
use  of money,  resources, talents  and possessions;  material  and objective  goals; body
awareness and building of physical foundations;
* Aries in 9th House & Mars in 7th or Conjunct DESC
and  your sharing of an individual identity  through initiation, action and assertiveness,
in  writing, travelling, higher education and exploration; foreign cultures, philosophies,
expanding consciousness, awareness, intuition and understanding; sociability and 
relationship  with the  entire universe;  developing spiritual  and religious  meaning and
purpose to life;   your personal image of God;
* Venus in Capricorn 
You  value and feel  open and  receptive to people  who are  serious, responsible, mature,
conscientious, hard-working, traditional, conservative,   realistic, practical and 
sensible; loyal, reliable, trustworthy, dutiful, steadfast and patient; sometimes 
mercenary; holding onto conventional values; somewhat narrow-minded; rather cold, 
cautious,  reserved, constrained, aloof, hard to get to know; not trusting easily; lacking
self-esteem  and faith  in  their own  abilities;  but hiding  great  affection, spiritual
aspiration  and steadfastness; ambitious, desirous of  public recognition, public spirited
and  willing to make  a contribution to civilisation.  Their image of  femininity is cool,
calculating,  wise and mature; often career-orientated, professional, impeccable; capable,
refined,  sensible, earthy and  sensual; but  dignified, proper, and  secretly passionate.
They  have no time for fools  or frivolity; needing helpmates,  useful people with whom to
relate;  people who will  help them fulfil  their ambitions  in hard-working partnerships.
They will work long and hard at relationships; sometimes taking all of the responsibility;
persevering;  even when  the  relationship is  difficult or  even  impossible, stagnating;
pushing  against their own blocks and fears of  failure; which they expect; yet wanting to
succeed  at all costs,  to make  a good and  enduring relationship;  which makes practical
sense;  with clear boundaries and definition  of purpose; stability, security, permanence,
constancy,  predictability;  taking great  care  of their  loved  ones; wanting  financial
stability, status, recognition from a partnership.   They tend to be unromantic, replacing
passion  with pragmatism; although  a deep earthy  sexuality exists beneath  their fear of
rejection. Often they marry older people.
You  are attracted to  these people because  they have  the makings of  your perfect mate;
matching your ideals of love; and its purest form of expression, for you; people with whom
you  would desire  a  workable love  relationship;  an earthly  partnership;  because they
reflect  your bounty, beauty and resourcefulness; the feminine in you; your personal brand
of attractiveness. People with whom you can share your giftedness.
* Venus in 5th House
These relationships will develop and mature through the growth of your personal 
attractiveness,  self-expression and  creativity, children,  personal  creations, hobbies,
re-creative  activities, love affairs and playful activities which enable you to feel more
of who you are.
* Libra on 3rd House Cusp
You  will  develop  a sense  of  balance  and  harmony;  love  and unity;  evaluation  and
relatedness; sharing, in your relationship with and integration into your close 
environment;  and the intelligence and understanding that  you gain from your interactions
there; what you teach to others.
* Moon in Sagittarius
Your  soul's  mate will  be  enthusiastic,  optimistic and  adventurous;  a  seeker and  a
searcher; a free spirit. They will be humorous, sociable, entertaining and tremendous fun.
But  they may have difficulty in making commitment  and may flirt. Being curious they tend
to  wander and can be promiscuous. But they will be honest, outspoken, spiritual and often
prophetic  and  philosophical. However,  you  may  find  them unrealistic,  over-ambitious,
scattered  and unreliable;  difficult to  pin down.  They mean  well but  often overextend
themselves  or promise more than they  can deliver. However, when  they do, they bring the
sunshine with them.
* Mars in Aquarius 
You  are sexually  attracted to  and stimulated  by exciting,  open-minded, intellectually
stimulating  people with new ideas; frequent  changes; surprises; friendship, shared views
and causes; a few debates and arguments to clear the air in your relationships.
You  like to express your sexuality in exploratory, experimental, innovative ways; gaining
excitement  and stimulation from unconventional, and  shocking, attitudes; anything new or
untried;  getting  bored easily;  liking  variety and  diversity;  but disliking  changing
partners; preferring to be kept interested and entertained in one relationship.
Your  image of masculinity is unique,  intelligent, professorial, breaking new boundaries;
free-thinking,  egalitarian, revolutionary; forthright, progressive, independent; unusual,
eccentric, politically active; different, unconventional, surprising, unpredictable; 
political, scientific or involved in the paranormal.

What Will Heal Me?
* Sun in Aquarius
Because  you care for  all humanity, you  tend to find it  more difficult to  be caring in
one-to-one  relationships and can be experienced as cold, detached, aloof and selfish. You
seem  to want  quite a  lot of  attention for yourself,  because your  energy tends  to be
electric, brilliant; but often sharp and cutting. Sudden, inspired behaviour, your quality
of  genius, makes you appear to  be erratic, which is  difficult for others to understand.
You live a lot in the world of ideas and are inclined to forget that you, and others, have
feelings.  You are usually extremely  altruistic, but also need  to develop compassion and
warmth;  learning to love with your heart, as  well as your head. Your inclination towards
rebellion, revolutionism, shocking, attention seeking, can stem from an extended 
adolescence.  You may need  a more mature attitude  and less impatience  in attaining your
Because  your mind moves at  great speed, you often  feel different from  others, out on a
limb;  but can also use this differentness as a defence against your feelings of isolation
and  rejection, to keep yourself aloof and superior; or to draw attention to yourself as a
compensation  for feelings of lack  of love and  acceptance. You want people  to like you,
accept  you; and often  rationalise, reasonableise, your feelings  in order to  live up to
humanitarian ideals; leaving no room for your own humanness and needs; disguising your own
ego-centredness  and selfishness, which  becomes hypocrisy. You  need to be  less rigid in
your  expectations of yourself  and stop  pretending that you  don't bleed  and weep, make
messes  and goof up, like other  people. If you cannot practise  what you believe in, then
you  need to find out what is stopping  you. Sometimes your rationality can be irrational,
unbending, intolerant. Perfecting your own technique would serve you better than trying to
perfect  the world that we live in. For you, charity needs to start at home, with your own
attitude to yourself.
Your  aspirations and  ideals  are high;  your  goals are  personal  and collective;  your
intentions are humanitarian; but you need courage, heart, deep feelings to strengthen your
purpose,  rather than the mental conceptions that shut  others out. Without your own needs
met,  anything you  try to  do for  others will  be a  patronising sham.  You will  not be
genuine; only escaping from your own unhappiness in trying to do good for others; becoming
the  worst, rather than the best, kind of person. You  need to learn to deal with your own
feelings,  or you will become intolerant of the feelings  of others; to learn that all men
and  women are not  equal in all  senses and cannot,  therefore, be expected  to slot into
idealistic  moulds that may not fit them. Nor can you expect this of yourself. You need to
learn  to pace  your aspirations  according to  your  emotional development,  maturing and
capabilities.  Otherwise your ideal  of fairness becomes unfair;  you discriminate against
those  whom you see as discriminators,  which defeats your own object  in the end. You can
hurt  others deeply in  the way that  you have been  hurt; through the  rejection of their
truth  and ideals; through the rejection, the dismissal out of hand, of that which has the
deepest  meaning for them, even though it does not for you; in this, through the denial of
their  feelings; and therefore their  existence which is  dependent upon them. Eventually,
you will receive the gift of freedom, which is yours by right.
* Moon in Sagittarius
Because  your freedom is so important to you, you find commitment difficult. This tends to
make  you superficial  in your  relationships and unable  to gain  the intimacy  of shared
experience,  learning and understanding that  you crave. For you, learning  on your own is
not satisfactory. Often your need for freedom from commitment and burden is an escape from
your  inner emotional burden. It is an escape from the pain of inadequacy and inability in
your  desire to transcend  all boundaries and  expand your consciousness  to infinity. The
limitations which you feel are often inner ones. Your own inability to reach as far as you
want  to, because of fear and  insecurity. You are adventuresome  and fiery, but you still
need  containment, stability, foundation. You  need a nest to  come back to  and a base to
take  off from.  Without  first exploring  inwards, seeking  self-understanding,  you will
always be restricted in your outward search. You need to understand and come to terms with
your  material and instinctual needs, which you would prefer not to deal with, as they get
in your way and restrict you.
If  you tie yourself to a  relationship, you will also tie yourself  to your needs and you
would  prefer not to do this. So, in the  name of experience, exploration and knowing, you
tend  to hedge your  bets, play the  field, trying  to expand your  own personal potential
through variety and change. This, however, deprives you of the experience of mutual growth
in  relationship and prevents  you from becoming  securely rooted  emotionally because, in
order  to  function this  way,  you  have to  develop  a  detached  attitude to  emotional
involvement,  your relationships becoming physical, intellectual  and spiritual, but never
deeply emotional, which, you feel, would slow you down and hold you back. Being ambitious,
you  tend to use people  to climb social  ladders, name-dropping in the  process. This can
make  you opportunist. Being the  slave to this kind  of behaviour means  that you have no
real  freedom. Only when you can make choices, take responsibility and accept limitations,
will  you have true  freedom, inner  and outer. Only  then will  you live your  ideals and
aspirations  in the present, relinquishing futuristic optimism and gullibility, developing
objectivity.  Only through emotional maturity can you  ground your ideas in reality. Until
then,  they are  like childish whims,  ever changing.  You will  only ever need  to assert
freedom when you do not feel it within as a self-renewing state of mind.
* Moon in 4th House
There  is a danger that you may use your home as a defensive retreat from the outer world,
rather than as a base of operations, from which you can meet the world. Because your early
life  was harmonious, specially that with your father, you may wish to remain immature, or
hide  behind a  partner, ignoring  your own  role in the  world. Links  with the  past and
ancestors  are necessary links with the present and future  for you and should not be used
to  cling to, which will prevent  your progress and evolution.  You should also be careful
about clinging to your natal family and parents for security. You would do better to enjoy
their  support for the  new life  that you need  to build. You  may also  use your present
family  and children as  an excuse not to  follow another vocation,  which will eventually
lead  you to bitterness, resentment and frustration, when they try to break away from you.
You  need to examine your feelings about your own  family, their clinging to you and their
contribution  to your own feelings  of impotence and inadequacy. When  you cease to blame,
you  will cease to be held back, even though you may have to venture outside of what feels
safe  and secure for you. But you will  have taken responsibility for carrying that safety
inside  you, embodied in the love that  they gave you and which  is now your own love that
you take with you; fulfilling your own soul, rather than using your family to fulfil you.
* Leo Ascendant/Aquarius Descendant
Needing  to feel  important, to  have a sense  of being  'somebody', you  require rewards,
applause, attention and thanks for what you give of yourself; and are attracted to tinsel,
glamour,  melodramatic and theatrical,  superficial and hysterical  situations, which give
you  no real importance at all, being dependent upon outside influences; not being fuelled
by your inner resources. You like beautiful surroundings, good clothes and a high standard
of living; but can use these in excess to aggrandise your own being; creating a facade to
cover ego weakness; a sense of not being; a need for recognition and maximum exposure. You
need to be seen. You also need to be esteemed by others and often use life as if it were a
stage  on which you  perform your  own personal dramas.  You are  prone to over-enthusiasm,
erring on the side of over-stimulation of the self, ego-delusion, leading to emptiness and
the  void eventually, when your bubble of fantasy bursts and letdown ensues; the fall from
the horse of pride.
You  like to keep at  hand those at whom you  can sneer and look  down upon; treating them
regally,  as your 'subjects';  creating a pseudo sense  of power; creating  an illusion of
magnanimity  and generosity; instead of developing those  which are innate in your nature.
In  the same  way  you can  use  your generosity  and  magnanimity to  control  those less
fortunate;  also creating competition and power-struggles with  others of false, but weak,
ego-structure.  Others, considered more important,  you seek to please,  trying to be what
you  think they want you to be, rather than what  you want to be for yourself; in this you
can give a perfect performance, seeing yourself as the brightener of lives; but expect, in
return,  great admiration and ego-inflating  rewards; also fame,  fortune and renown. When
all  else fails, you use your 'specialness' to place yourself apart from, better than, and
above,  those with whom you can no longer  contest, becoming cold, lonely and precariously
dizzy on your pedestal.
You  need to learn to  be an individual in  your own right; to  assert your uniqueness and
accept your sameness; to express your personal creativity and many talents; reach for your
own  goals; find your niche in  society; where you can be  of benefit to humanity; sharing
your gifts freely for the pleasure of others; broadening your world vision to include more
than  your own identity; but  reducing the grandiosity  of your plans; to  include a human
identity; the brotherhood/sisterhood of man/woman.
You  have much to learn  from your enemies;  by studying their behaviour;  owning what you
dislike  in them as your  own distorted potentialities; as  well as recognising, honouring
and accepting what you find in those you admire, as undeveloped gifts of your own.
* Venus in Capricorn
Your power comes from pursuing your desire for mature and respectable
emotional expression, creativity and spontaneity 
through the progressiveness and altruism of
your daily work and routines.
* Chiron in Taurus 
You  have the  potential to preserve  what is  of value  in society;  to make good  use of
accumulated  resources; and to  function well with scanty  finances. Your gift  is to give
value  and form  to what  already exists; specially  beauty, the  body, sexuality  and the
earth. This comes as a result of your own healing; of learning to value yourself; your own
body,  its gifts and abilities; grace, beauty, earthy practicality. Unless there are other
influences  in your chart, you will be the  holder and protector, rather than the creator,
of bounty, wealth, material resources, as well as comfort and pleasure; teaching their use
and  value to others; helping  the needy; teaching others to  value themselves and express
their  beauty and inner  values; upholding  the rights of  everyone to  the necessities of
life; a fair distribution of resources.
Your  deepest wound is the loss of self worth; the area of inner and outer values; finding
out  for yourself what  is right for  you, what is wrong  and what is  lasting and endures
through  time and changes; what your  worth is in realistic terms  and what is solid, safe
and  stable for/in you. For you this is a life  or death issue; acquiring what you need to
survive,  spiritually and materially. Without the sense  of substance that comes from your
own  morality and  self-valuing, without  a personal value  system, you  cease to  be. You
cannot  operate  in the  world  honestly or  realistically.  You become  a  sham and  lack
substantiality.  You need  to separate  your own  values  from those  with which  you were
brought  up; which were either too materialistic or too spiritual, ungrounded, a denial of
the  necessity for financial stability. You may  have trouble understanding money; and the
naturalness  of your sensuality  and sexuality and  will have to  overcome either strongly
repressive  moral  attitudes or  overindulgence  and  permissiveness  in valuing  yourself
sexually;  your inner beauty and need for  sensuousness and pleasure; your connection with
your  body, the  earth and  humanity. The  earthy  or pagan  spiritual disciplines  can be
helpful to you.
Your  healing comes through the pain  of clinging to outworn  values which stifle you; the
fear of letting go and facing your emptiness; then developing your own resources; the pain
of  rejection; facing the  rage that you  felt towards confining  and controlling parental
values;  mourning the loss of your  own; finding and standing up  for your own beliefs and
values;  illogical logic;  facing material  insecurity and trusting  your inner  worth and
spiritual  values; the power of  love; trusting your  body and its impulses  by facing the
pain  of its demands upon you; and your fear  of nature dominating you; accepting its lack
of  beauty; but coming to terms with personal  need, without feeling guilty; trusting your
inner  resources and personal magnetism, regardless of your outer appearance. By releasing
old  burdens of judgements upon you; by befriending  materialism, money and your body; you
can  enlighten your  life  and therefore  the lives  of  others; feeling  freer  to enjoy;
bringing  enjoyment to others; by sharing your resources liberally and graciously, without
fear  or insecurity;  taking part  in creativity,  rather than  holding it  tightly; using
wealth, rather than identifying with it personally.
* Chiron in 9th House 
You  experience initiation through this pain which teaches and ultimately heals you in the
area  of your life where you seek meaning and understanding; purpose; connection with your
higher  self and your wiseness; where  you try to bring  through your innate and spiritual
wisdom  into your daily life;  searching endlessly and restlessly  for universal truth and
your  own connection with it;  your connection with  the collective and your  place in the
plan  of creation;  for freedom,  a personal  philosophy and  a god  who matches  it. Your
searching may take the form of escapism, leading you to travel and explore many religions,
but  preventing you  from grounding  your experience  in the  material world;  leaving you
feeling  painfully hopeless and despairing.  You need to  live the divine in  the here and
now, rather than searching for it outside of yourself; hoping for it in the future.
When  you have healed the crisis of meaning in your  own life, the pain of your search for
the  divine in everything, you can teach others, sharing your understanding and philosophy
of  universal truths. You need to ground your spiritual knowledge in pragmatic reality for
it to work for you; embodying your spiritual philosophy and living it; practising what you
love  to teach to others; materialising your  visions and aspirations; making a commitment
to  what  you believe  in.  Otherwise your  life  is unbalanced.  You  suffer from  divine
discontent;  become addicted to gurus. You need to  embody your soul, marrying spirit with
matter,  philosophy with practical  action. Otherwise you  become scattered  and your life
lacks  meaning and purpose and your searching and questioning leads to emptiness. Religion
is  important to you, but you can be confused by the religious beliefs with which you were
brought  up, finding  that they  do not  fit for  you;  that they  conflict with  your own
* Chiron in Taurus 
You are striving to bring value and resources
to the search for purpose and meaning.
* Saturn in Libra
You gain greater consciousness and fulfilment; wholeness and completeness; and the ability
to  integrate all  of your  qualities  through the  way that  you use  the  pain, anguish,
limitations and restrictions of relationship or the lack of it; the desire to be loved and
accepted socially.
You will exchange self-love for the self-hatred which you once learned; as the 
self-achievement  that you have worked hard for materialises and withstands the trials and
tests  of time; the achievement which, as your inner integrity, is more solid and enduring
than  any false integrity which you have had to make  do with in the past as a compromise.
This love emerges from the gradual freeing of your will to relate.
Because  you look to relationships to  give you authority and  social standing, you may be
socially  ambitious, which results in shallowness in  relationships. You will have to work
at  partnerships and relationships. They will not come easily to you because, although you
long to express your love, you have an intellectualised ideal of how love should be, which
is  not always realistic and  is, often, a defence  against your fear  of intimacy and the
disappointment  which loving  has brought  you; the belief  that you  are not  loveable or
acceptable. You seek the perfect partner who will make you whole, but you need to be whole
in  yourself first. You need to relate your thoughts  to your feelings; your heart to your
intellect.  You trend to use strategy, forgetting that the other person has feelings which
may not comply with your plan of how they should be. When you learn to love yourself, your
grace,  beauty and inner harmony,  you will be able  to make an outer  marriage which is a
reflection  of your inner unity. You also  need to let go of  some of your rigid ideas and
opinions; to allow the other person to be what they, rather than what you, would like them
to  be. Otherwise you will  find your relationships burdensome  and your partners critical
and  judgmental. You will find them shallow, closed, unable  to love you. You also need to
channel  your talents into artistic  outlets, even though you may  lack confidence in your
abilities. You have diplomatic and peace-making abilities and can make a good listener, if
your  heart is open and  you do not lead  with your head.  Learning not to intellectualise
your  feelings away enables you to better understand the feelings of others. Otherwise you
tend  to ignore them through your over-rational  approach. Through self-discipline you can
build a bridge between individual identity and social identity in relationship.
* Saturn in 2nd House
The  defensive boundaries  that  you have  built to  protect  yourself from  your  fear of
disintegration grow too tight and rigid. Periodical crises, throughout your lifetime, will
cause you to feel that you will die from the inertia and stagnation in your life; you will
become  frustrated and angry, attracting  experiences that teach you to  let go; to reform
your  boundaries; to contain  your emotions and realise  your ideals in  a different, less
repressive  way; which leads to  greater wisdom, maturity and  self-confidence; a sense of
rootedness  and stability; better foundations than your  original ones. But you are forced
to  make decisions and  choices, to assert  your will and  take up your  authority in your
self-evaluation and use of resources.
In  your childhood there was a feeling of poverty.  Even if there was enough money around,
there  was always a  feeling of not  being able  to create material  stability, or anxiety
about this.   You feel as if you do not have the resources; and faith in your own body and
its  abilities  is low.  You  may  be anxious  about  your health.  You  will  tend to  be
materialistic  and look to money and possessions for stability and security; even having a
safe  family around  you. But you  need to  look inwards  and value your  inner resources,
developing  these and using them well. Then you will develop inner stability and lose your
anxiety; learning to value yourself and to use what you have well.
When your achievements become a product of your own self-love, rather than your love being
dependent  upon your achievements, as it may have  been in childhood, there will no longer
be  any blame. The past will dissolve into  forgiveness as you take up true responsibility
for  your own actions now; which is the ability  to respond with love; rather than through
conditioned  reactions. As you find your own integrity, you will become less defensive and
more  able to sacrifice your Self to the willing  service of society. Then your desire and
your will will be one;   personal desire and selfishness will become unnecessary, with the
consequent  ending of fear and isolation; a stability based on sound experience over time,
slow growth and progress through adaptability to changes.

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