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Christine Aguilera Soul Guide Sample Report


Year Forecast Christine Aguilera:   10 Dec 1980 AD Wed  7 20 00  5 00 W

Your Year Soul Guide
As the planets move though the heavens on their orbits they form angular associations (Transits) with the positions they occupied when you were born. This report offers interpretations of their influence and apparent affects, together with the information and inspiration that will help you to understand their significance in your life, and to make the most of them.
Understanding your report 
Your Year or Month Guide is therefore a representation of how the planets, as they move, are influencing the planets and points in your Birth Chart and shows Keyphrases and Theme, along with the Possible encounters.  
Repeating waves of influence appear as repeated paragraphs in the interpretations, this is natural and will occur over time.
Timing - influences can be felt for some days or even months before or after the given dates,  You should also bear in mind that the accuracy of your given birth time can greatly affect the timing of the interpretations, especially to your Ascendant or Midheaven. 
If yours is an unknown birth time, then disregard altogether paragraphs relating to your Ascendant, Midheaven and Moon, for these would only be reliable if you just happen to have been to have been born around noon.

From about:  1 Aug 2007   to about: 13 Oct 2007
*Neptune Square Venus
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your relevant strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: Higher Love - Love's Illusions Undermined - Artistic Inspiration 
Theme: The powerful sensitisation of your Venus Profile, through your attracting or being attracted to fascinating and enlightening people and pursuits. These can be dangerously deceptive though, and can require you to adopt more psychologically aware values and live by them.
This is a very important influence for it appears to bring to you what we are all after: love and happiness. Or it can make you feel that your life lacks a certain special quality. In either case, it begins with your envisaging, consciously or unconsciously, some romantic ideal. This image is so powerful that you eventually find someone on whom you can project it. Whether this person is available is not really relevant to you - for you use a mixture of imagination and desire to make him or her into what you wish for.
The trouble with all this is that what you are really looking for is something that can only be found in the deepest recesses of your own being. But as looking in that direction involves your confronting emotional shortcomings, it seems easier to seek it in someone else; or to feel frustrated because you cannot see it in the one you are already with. The agony and the ecstasy of love, which is what this influence is putting you in touch with, could also be experience as the loss of someone (or even something) that you regard, or once regarded, as your ideal.
The central question here is are you seeking or escaping? Owing to society's current confusion regarding love, sex and relationships which stems from our lack of inner or spiritual awareness, you are probably trying to escape into something more sublime, heady, or transporting, as a release from the drabness that is the spiritual void of your usual day-to-day life; and to escape from having to do what is emotionally necessary to inject that ordinary life with a piece of your soul.
In the meantime, you may enjoy that heady experience of rarefied or stolen moments - but when this period is over, or even during it, you'll come down to Earth and see that other person as another lost and vulnerable soul like you. But therein lies the truth and the beauty, which is what Neptune through Venus is trying to bring you. For the best way of giving expression to this influence is through some form of creative, spiritual or self-discovering pursuit.
If you already have an artistic outlet, or wish to, you currently find that inspirational flow is far stronger. Alternatively, you may express the spiritual, unconditional love of this influence through selflessly helping another - but just be very careful that you are not playing that well-known escape trick of 'saviour and victim' which is still another way of disguising who you and the other person actually are, as well as the conditions that you are secretly setting. Whatever is happening now, you do feel under some sort of spell. It is up to you whether it's bewitching or enchanting, a curse or a charm!
Possible Encounters: Mysterious Liaisons - Clandestine Affairs - Confusion or Elation - Dissolving Relationships - Falling in Love
From about:  1 Aug 2007   to about: 19 Aug 2007
*Uranus Square Sun
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your relevant strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: The Awakening Will - Disrupting Life in General - Life Changes
Theme: Being made forcibly aware of your Sun Profile, through the shattering of your routine, and through sudden developments and altered circumstances.
This should be a time of liberation for you! If you have got yourself entrenched in a situation or relationship that is not allowing you to be true to yourself, then expect the unexpected, for that'll be the only way to get you to move into the next chapter of your life, and breathe some fresh air into your lungs that will remind you of what you've been missing. 
The more stiffly you resist any such necessity for change now, the more disruptive the occurrence or individual will be that comes along to enforce it. To be smartly in step with this wind of change, you would be well advised to plan in advance to make some sort of definite move during this period that will increase your self-awareness, and set you apart from the world you know too well, and that knows you too well.
Meeting fate half way in this fashion will effectively 'absorb' the potentially shocking influence of Uranus. Alternatively, the issue in your life may now well be that you have to persist with something in the face of circumstances that are anything but encouraging. To change or not to change, that is the question!
The factor from which to make your decision here, is the degree of how much tension or pressure is bearable - for you and yours. If you see that a breaking point is fast approaching, then be as quick off the mark as possible, and be assured of the fact that change relieves stress, just as a thunderstorm releases atmospheric tension. Making a blow for freedom now would also put you in touch with new people and experiences that make the clouds of past skies seem very far away. This could be the beginning of the rest of your life!
Possible Encounters: Freedom - Rebellion - Restlessness - Innovation - The Unusual
From about:  1 Aug 2007   to about: 19 Aug 2007
*Saturn Square Uranus
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your current strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: Inhibiting Freedom - Necessity for Change - Purposeful Liberation
Theme: Having to be practical and objective with matters relating to your Uranus Profile, through establishing what freedom and the uniqueness of self means for you.
Essentially this is a time when you have to ascertain what structures and habits in your life are keeping you chained to people or situations that do not or no longer serve your most individual interests and goals. If you are fearful or unconscious of making any necessary changes in aid of this, then you'll be in for a tense time, which could even create (subsequent) health problems. Alternatively, the difficulty will be the disruption any changes will cause not to you but to those closely involved with you.
The trick is firstly to find a good reason (the actual reason) for making a change; and secondly, to appreciate that resisting this need for change will eventually make a disaster out of a mere dilemma, for both yourself and others. Ruts are only so far from being graves. But most importantly, it is the most individualistic aspects of your life - be it your beliefs, lifestyle or whatever - that are put to the test. This means that at some point you have to create a balance between your principles and material necessities, or, to sacrifice one for the other.
Possible Encounters: A Parting of Ways - Worthwhile Causes - Feeling held back
From about:  7 Aug 2007   to about: 18 Jan 2008
*Neptune Sextile Ascendant
Significance: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.
Keyphrases: Sensitising Relationships - Refining Personal Presentation
Theme: Opportunities to tune into the subtleties of your Ascendant Profile, thereby lending a spiritual tone to your environment and social interaction.
You are now more inclined to recognize the wisdom in serving the needs of other people, and in the process seeing the world and your place in it from a greater and more enlightened perspective. This could be ever so slight, but this is not in itself a dramatically noticeable influence. In fact, it is characterized by the sense of softness that you may now feel towards life and all who live it. And so, it is a compassionate outlook and charitable people that will guide and bless you now and it is the meek and the lowly that most appeal to you.
Possible Encounters: Inspirational Ones - Fine Understandings - Mysticism 
From about: 25 Aug 2007   to about: 19 Sep 2007
*Jupiter Sextile Midheaven
Significance: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.
Keyphrases: Furthering Professional Image - Improving Domestic Scene
Theme: Opportunities to make more of your Midheaven Profile, through a better understanding of your place in the world, and even actually elevating it.
At present you experience encouragement or advancement with regard to your chosen profession. The work you have put in over the previous years now begins to show dividends. You have an aura of success about you, which is what actually attracts it. So do not be dispirited if say, an offer turns out to be no more than that.
Jupiter is giving you a sign of things to come. So respond to this with increased optimism and an inner sense of self-esteem, but guard against being over-optimistic and feeling crest-fallen later. This is also a time when you may make positive changes in your home, which would further increase that good feeling about yourself. Other planetary periods notwithstanding, you are in a 'gain mode' right now. Perceiving and accepting with grace and modesty what that gain actually is will ensure its continuance.

Possible Encounters: Influential Connections - Recognition - Inner Support
From about: 25 Sep 2007   to about:  7 Dec 2007
*Neptune Sextile Sun 
Significance: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.
Keyphrases: Spiritual Will - Concern for Life in General - Self-Transcendence
Theme: Opportunities to become more subtly aware of your Sun Profile, through aligning your intentions with others'.
This can be a very enlightening time as you become more sensitive to what is going on around you - and within you - and furthermore, are able to manage that sensitivity in a way that makes matters more easy-going for all concerned. The key opportunity here, is to find and follow the line of least resistance. At best, this can mean that you feel happy and able to sacrifice your more selfish interests for the universal welfare, and thereby you attract opportunities to help or serve - which in turn help you. Or at least, you can smooth your own path through being less insistent upon getting your own way.
One of the many subtle realisations that occur now, is that what you thought you wanted for your -self becomes rather irrelevant as you allow life to take its own wise and all-inclusive course - a course to which you become increasingly attuned. It should be stressed however, that this 'going with the flow' style of living does not and should not preclude your being self-actualising or assertive; in fact under this influence you finely tune into exactly what you truly wish to assert. And so this is also a good time for any metaphysical discipline, such as meditation.
Possible Encounters: Compassion - Acceptance - Inspiring People/Experiences
From about: 19 Oct 2007   to about: 31 Oct 2007
*Jupiter Conjunct Sun New Cycle  
Significance: This is a very strong influence. It energises the situation in hand and both forces and enables you to advance and grow.
Keyphrases: Increased Vitality - Exaggerating Everything - Growing Creativity
Theme: A powerful emphasis upon your Sun Profile, thereby inflating your sense of self and of being alive - for good or ill. Start of a new 11-12 year 'Belief-in-Life Cycle'.
This time is all about furthering yourself, through studying, travelling or moving, and launching yourself into a new chapter of your life's story. So anything that is aimed at achieving this has a cosmic stamp of approval. Yet simply because this is a natural time of expansion for you, there is also the danger of you overestimating your resources and possibilities - falling short of them - and then exaggerating your disappointment.
So some sober restraint is a vital ingredient in most of your considerations at present, for this has the effect of stabilizing rather than abusing what is actually a period of promise. Providence smiles on those who don't expect too much (or too little, for that matter) - but it also leaves stranded, at a later date, those who are just plain greedy.
This is essentially a time of experiencing joy, and spreading it around - as wisely as possible. Your most sensible and important investment under this influence would be that of tuning in to the positive feelings that are a very real right now.
Possible Encounters: Big Hearts and Minds - Good Health - The Extraordinary 
From about: 25 Oct 2007   to about: 19 Dec 2007
*Uranus Sextile Mars
Significance: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.
Keyphrases: Awakening Self-Assertion - Original Moves - Surprising Courage
Theme: Opportunities to express your Mars Profile, through finding it easier to know and get what you want.
If you normally have no trouble asserting yourself, this influence will add an extra sparkle to the way that you do this. If, on the other hand, you are somewhat reticent or feel ineffectual, this period will offer you chances to take not just one step forward, but two or three. Circumstances and coincidence seem to favour any attempt to make yourself felt. You may even find yourself helping others who have a hard time finding freedom of movement.
Possible Encounters: Advancement - Liberating Sexuality - Successful Surgery
From about: 25 Oct 2007   to about:  1 Dec 2007
*Saturn Square Mercury
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your current strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: Hard Work - Dull/Seriously Minded - Perception Tested - Groundwork
Theme: A powerful point of reckoning with regard to your Mercury Profile, where you have to organize your mental faculties.
Most things on the work and intellectual front are slowed down at this time. You are being tried as to whether any given project is worth the mental effort. If it is, then it will survive this period. You could be given more responsibility at work - or have your position tested. Any woolly thinking or slackness on your part will attract pressure from authority figures, which would include your own conscience.
Bear in mind that the intention of this influence is to stabilize your attitude, bringing it in line with the reality at hand. Disciplining your mind now, will serve you well for a long time to come. If in doubt, take your time and only speak if you are absolutely sure of what you wish to say. Allow for delays, especially while travelling.
Possible Encounters: Mental Focus/Pressure - Lack of Work - Dry Intellectualism
From about: 25 Oct 2007   to about:  6 Nov 2007
*Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant New Cycle  
Significance: This is a very strong influence. It energises the situation in hand and both forces and enables you to advance and grow.
Keyphrases: Expanding your Viewpoint - Looking Further Afield - New Hope
Theme: An over-emphasis upon your Ascendant Profile, thereby enabling you to broaden your horizons. Start of a new 11-12 'Personal-Furtherance Cycle'.
During this time you are inclined to have a more than usually better eye for opportunity, which may well take the form of finding and meeting people who increase your scope and range of possibilities. Positively, such can give rise to your being confident and far seeing, whereas negatively, it can lead to being arrogant and dangerously over-optimistic.
The trick is to temper the sense of enthusiasm that you currently feel by actively paying attention to the feelings and opinions of people you respect. In this way, apart from equipping yourself with a wiser choice, you will enlist the support of those others. It will also help limit matters to manageable proportions, for being greedy now could find you with a big nothing at a later date. Let generosity and a sense of adventure born of experience and understanding, be your guide.
Possible Encounters: Opportune Ones - Empty Promises - A Full Life - Signs and
From about:  6 Nov 2007   to about: 19 Nov 2007
*Jupiter Conjunct Neptune New Cycle  
Significance: This is a very strong influence. It energises the situation in hand and both forces and enables you to advance and grow.
Keyphrases: Increased Sensitivity - Exaggerating Blind-spots - Believing the Best
Theme: A powerful emphasis upon your Neptune Profile, granting you a greater appreciation of your visions and ideals. Start of a new 11-12 year 'Faith-in-Unity Cycle'.
This is a highly significant influence in your life, but a tricky one, for it can present itself as somewhat more than a glimpse of what a better life truly consists of, or, as just a 'pipe dream' and a fool's errand. Both cases depend upon how much you are aware of egotistical or glamorous ideas of what the 'good life' means. If you are genuinely concerned with leading a more selfless life of helping other living creatures that need it, then this period will bear you along, elevating your thoughts and feelings as it does so.
On the other hand, if you are merely pretending to be 'spiritual', or just want to have a high old time, then, like a wave of pink foam, you'll be blissfully carried along - only to find yourself later washed up on some barren shore of disillusionment. So this is a time when either you can begin to really open your third-eye and see yourself, the world and everything for the whole that it is, or you will just be jamming on a pair of rose-tinted spectacles. In effect, you are now betting on the ultimate winner - or the ultimate loser.
Possible Encounters: Compassion - False Hopes - Charlatans - Enlightenment
From about: 19 Nov 2007   to about: 31 Jan 2008
*Neptune Square Venus
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your relevant strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: Higher Love - Love's Illusions Undermined - Artistic Inspiration 
Theme: The powerful sensitisation of your Venus Profile, through your attracting or being attracted to fascinating and enlightening people and pursuits. These can be dangerously deceptive though, and can require you to adopt more psychologically aware values and live by them.
This is a very important influence for it appears to bring to you what we are all after: love and happiness. Or it can make you feel that your life lacks a certain special quality. In either case, it begins with your envisaging, consciously or unconsciously, some romantic ideal. This image is so powerful that you eventually find someone on whom you can project it. Whether this person is available is not really relevant to you - for you use a mixture of imagination and desire to make him or her into what you wish for.
The trouble with all this is that what you are really looking for is something that can only be found in the deepest recesses of your own being. But as looking in that direction involves your confronting emotional shortcomings, it seems easier to seek it in someone else; or to feel frustrated because you cannot see it in the one you are already with. The agony and the ecstasy of love, which is what this influence is putting you in touch with, could also be experience as the loss of someone (or even something) that you regard, or once regarded, as your ideal.
The central question here is are you seeking or escaping? Owing to society's current confusion regarding love, sex and relationships which stems from our lack of inner or spiritual awareness, you are probably trying to escape into something more sublime, heady, or transporting, as a release from the drabness that is the spiritual void of your usual day-to-day life; and to escape from having to do what is emotionally necessary to inject that ordinary life with a piece of your soul.
In the meantime, you may enjoy that heady experience of rarefied or stolen moments - but when this period is over, or even during it, you'll come down to Earth and see that other person as another lost and vulnerable soul like you. But therein lies the truth and the beauty, which is what Neptune through Venus is trying to bring you. For the best way of giving expression to this influence is through some form of creative, spiritual or self-discovering pursuit.
If you already have an artistic outlet, or wish to, you currently find that inspirational flow is far stronger. Alternatively, you may express the spiritual, unconditional love of this influence through selflessly helping another - but just be very careful that you are not playing that well-known escape trick of 'saviour and victim' which is still another way of disguising who you and the other person actually are, as well as the conditions that you are secretly setting. Whatever is happening now, you do feel under some sort of spell. It is up to you whether it's bewitching or enchanting, a curse or a charm!

Possible Encounters: Mysterious Liaisons - Clandestine Affairs - Confusion or Elation - Dissolving Relationships - Falling in Love
From about: 19 Nov 2007   to about: 25 Nov 2007
*Jupiter Sextile Pluto 
Significance: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.
Keyphrases: Positive Changes - Increasing Insight - Mounting Influence
Theme: Opportunities to make more of your Pluto Profile, through experiencing a stronger sense of wealth and power.
Generally, this is a time when you can improve anything that needs improving. The secret is to approach and launch any such endeavours in a spirit of everyone benefiting from them; you then find that 'the more you give, the more you get' is in fact a Law of the Universe rather than just a nice idea. You also notice during this period that the world itself is more alive to this Law - and is all the more so for your personally taking advantage of it.
Possible Encounters: Favours - Regeneration - Gains - Support from High Places
From about: 12 Jan 2008   to about: 12 Feb 2008
*Saturn Square Mercury
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your current strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: Hard Work - Dull/Seriously Minded - Perception Tested - Groundwork
Theme: A powerful point of reckoning with regard to your Mercury Profile, where you have to organize your mental faculties.
Most things on the work and intellectual front are slowed down at this time. You are being tried as to whether any given project is worth the mental effort. If it is, then it will survive this period. You could be given more responsibility at work - or have your position tested. Any woolly thinking or slackness on your part will attract pressure from authority figures, which would include your own conscience.
Bear in mind that the intention of this influence is to stabilize your attitude, bringing it in line with the reality at hand. Disciplining your mind now, will serve you well for a long time to come. If in doubt, take your time and only speak if you are absolutely sure of what you wish to say. Allow for delays, especially while travelling.
Possible Encounters: Mental Focus/Pressure - Lack of Work - Dry Intellectualism
From about: 18 Jan 2008   to about: 31 Jan 2008
*Jupiter Square Saturn
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your relevant strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: Growing beyond Restrictions - Increased Responsibility
Theme: Forced emphasis upon your Saturn Profile, through having to understand your fears and responsibilities better.
Now you are looking for - and have the opportunity to discover - a balance between what is realistically possible and desirable to maintain, and what adjustments have to be made to your situations and expectations. You find then that over-optimism is promptly flattened, and that playing it too careful creates boredom or frustration.
So this is very much a time of trial and error; do not expect to have a ready answer born of some theory. Such reliable guidelines are in fact what you are establishing during this period. However, wherever you are genuinely sure of yourself, this period will eventually confirm it.
Possible Encounters: Growing Pains - Serious Agreements - Decision Making
From about: 18 Jan 2008   to about: 24 Jan 2008
*Jupiter Square Jupiter
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your relevant strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: Increased Scope - Great or Inflated Expectations - Expanded Beliefs
Theme: Forced emphasis upon your Jupiter Profile, through expecting too much or too little from life and yourself.
This is really a chance to grow and expand, but how you read this has everything to do with how you manage and express it. Most likely, you experience a sense of abundance for some reason, be it real or notional. And so you go about spending this and promising that, and naturally, most people will be happy to go along with you.
But the danger of over-committing yourself and overestimating your luck is very real under this influence. Later on, you will have to pay for it. So the all too obvious advice here is to guard against excess, but stay in touch with that sense of joy and abundance, and the very real confidence that it can afford you.
Possible Encounters: Misappropriation - More Than Enough - Legal Difficulties 

From about: 31 Jan 2008   to about: 25 Mar 2008
*Neptune Sextile Neptune 
Significance: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.
Keyphrases: Divine Inspiration - Easy Sensitivity - The Line of Least Resistance
Theme: Opportunities to become more subtly aware of your Neptune Profile, through attuning yourself to the Way of the Spirit.
This is not a particularly powerful planetary influence, simply because by its very nature it inclines you to passivity. This is in order to help you become more in sympathy with those currents and occurrences in life that can usually escape one's notice, but are fascinating and important for that very reason. And so, while your sixth sense is being thus enhanced, you may perceive more clearly your individual part in the cosmic scheme of things.
Possible Encounters: Mysticism - Compassion - Selflessness - Spiritual Rapport
From about:  6 Feb 2008   to about: 12 Feb 2008
*Jupiter Square Midheaven 
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your current strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: Inflating Status - Increasing Ambition 
Theme: A forced emphasis upon your Midheaven Profile, giving rise to a greater sense of professional or personal scope, but also an inclination to over-estimate your capabilities.
It is best to look upon this time as 'shot in the arm', which gives you that extra bit of confidence that you need to get on in life. But that's all it is: a leg up the ladder of life. If you go scrambling for fame or recognition, it might work, but it will definitely prove meteoric, with you coming crashing down not much later. Or you could find yourself spread too thinly, leaving personal as well as professional commitments unfulfilled. A push will get you started now, but you'll need talent and persistence to keep going.
Possible Encounters: Bold Ventures - A Step Up - Fanciful Promises
From about: 18 Feb 2008   to about: 25 Mar 2008
*Uranus Square Sun
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your relevant strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: The Awakening Will - Disrupting Life in General - Life Changes
Theme: Being made forcibly aware of your Sun Profile, through the shattering of your routine, and through sudden developments and altered circumstances.
This should be a time of liberation for you! If you have got yourself entrenched in a situation or relationship that is not allowing you to be true to yourself, then expect the unexpected, for that'll be the only way to get you to move into the next chapter of your life, and breathe some fresh air into your lungs that will remind you of what you've been missing. 
The more stiffly you resist any such necessity for change now, the more disruptive the occurrence or individual will be that comes along to enforce it. To be smartly in step with this wind of change, you would be well advised to plan in advance to make some sort of definite move during this period that will increase your self-awareness, and set you apart from the world you know too well, and that knows you too well.
Meeting fate half way in this fashion will effectively 'absorb' the potentially shocking influence of Uranus. Alternatively, the issue in your life may now well be that you have to persist with something in the face of circumstances that are anything but encouraging. To change or not to change, that is the question!
The factor from which to make your decision here, is the degree of how much tension or pressure is bearable - for you and yours. If you see that a breaking point is fast approaching, then be as quick off the mark as possible, and be assured of the fact that change relieves stress, just as a thunderstorm releases atmospheric tension. Making a blow for freedom now would also put you in touch with new people and experiences that make the clouds of past skies seem very far away. This could be the beginning of the rest of your life!
Possible Encounters: Freedom - Rebellion - Restlessness - Innovation - The Unusual
From about: 18 Feb 2008   to about:  1 Mar 2008
*Jupiter Conjunct Mars New Cycle
Significance: This is a very strong influence. It energises the situation in hand and both forces and enables you to advance and grow.
Keyphrases: Increased Energy - Fortunate Moves - Devil-may-care - The Joy of Sex
Theme: A powerful emphasis upon your Mars Profile, enabling you to express your personal drive better. Start of new 11-12 year 'Faith-in-Self-Assertion Cycle'.
Your spirit of independence is strong now, so whatever you currently desire can be got - or got a lot closer to - by simply going for it. You feel more confident and exuberant than usual - even swashbuckling - during this period, so whatever you want to make happen, happens!
Afterwards, you may just find that you weren't so keen - but taking everything in gigantic strides as you are now, you are equally quick and sure to take your next leap forward. As long as you avoid overdoing it, a great deal can be accomplished during this period, and for as long as you can ride the crest of your own wave. Conversely, failing to express your desires or be sure of your own space at this time could give rise to inner tension.
Possible Encounters: Successful Launches - Sexual Adventures - Physical Exertion
From about:  7 Mar 2008   to about: 31 Jul 2008
*Neptune Trine Pluto 
Significance: This is a medium-strength influence that allows you to make progress with relative ease and support. It rewards past efforts.
Keyphrases: Sensitising Insight - Generational Enlightenment
Theme: Opportunities to become subtly aware of your Pluto Profile, thereby tuning into your deeper motivations and the power within life processes generally.
This influence enables you to understand the way of the Universe, human evolution, the occult, etc. without getting out of your depth. And so, if you are just beginning to know yourself, you will get off to a good start; or if you have already been seeking cosmic or psychological awareness for a while, you could now take a leap forward and find yourself very much a part of the movement towards a greater appreciation of what constitutes the meaning of life on this planet - and maybe even others!
Possible Encounters: Mystical Groups - Consciousness Raising
From about: 13 Mar 2008   to about: 19 Apr 2008
*Uranus Square Ascendant   
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your relevant strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: Disrupting Relationships - Altering Outlook - Freely Relating 
Theme: Waking up to your Ascendant Profile, through a need for change in your manner of self-expression and interpersonal relating.
How others relate to you - and if you have a partner, how he or she relates to you - has a lot to do with how you come across yourself, and how much freedom you do or do not allow them. At this time, the issue of having an evolving relationship with one other person or society in general becomes critical; and it may do so quite suddenly.
If you have just been drifting along in a habitual kind of fashion, and not cultivating an ongoing exchange of thoughts and feelings that is mutually stimulating to each other, then expect at least one person in your life to rebel against your stiff and stale style of being. How that person will do this is unpredictable; suffice to say that the level of shock value will be in direct proportion to how much you have been 'asleep' to what and who that other person is.
If, consciously or unconsciously, you have actually been restricting them in some way, then you are in for a bit of an explosion! In fact, any kind of coercion or suppression on your part will attract rebellion or a bolt from the blue, like being left or sued. Or the whole thing could be the reverse way round, with you being the restricted partner suddenly making a blow for freedom, maybe through being attracted to someone radically different.
If on the other hand, you have been open and fair with your partner or others in general, then this is a time of increased freedom within your relationship, with you both enjoying an ease of movement and expression, within and outside that relationship. This just might include a stab at a so-called open relationship, but that is likely to blow up in your face if you are prone or oblivious to feelings of insecurity, possessiveness or jealousy.
Essentially, this is a time when you have to relate as one human being to another human being, with all the honesty and friendliness that this requires. It would also help greatly if you did not assume that you totally knew one another. Leaving room for surprise and individualism magically refreshes any relationship.
Possible Encounters: Unexpected Ones - Short-lasting but Stimulating Affairs

From about: 19 Mar 2008   to about:  1 May 2008
*Uranus Trine Venus 
Significance: This is a medium-strength influence that allows you to make progress with relative ease and support. It rewards past efforts.
Keyphrases: Liberating Relationships - Creative Innovation - New / Renewed Love
Theme: Opportunities to gain original experience of your Venus Profile through changing your manner of relating, and your social or artistic expression.
This period can be quite uplifting as you find yourself with more freedom to be and show who you really are as a social and creative being. You appreciate now that there is no one exactly like you in the whole universe, and as such you feel more able to express your unique values and style.
During this time, you attract people and experiences that recognize and appeal to your specialness. Existing relationships can have new life breathed into them; new relationships are the breath of life itself. You appreciate Kahlil Gibran's injunction concerning love between two people 'Let the winds of the heavens dance between you'.
Possible Encounters: Unusual and Stimulating People and Experiences - New Pleasures
From about: 25 Mar 2008   to about: 13 Apr 2008
*Jupiter Sextile Venus
Significance: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.
Keyphrases: Pleasant Gatherings - Attracting Joy and Prosperity - Happy Trails 
Theme: Chances to make more of your Venus Profile through appreciating your capacity for giving and receiving love better.
This is all about the more you give the more you get. Whatever you have been investing in life, emotionally or financially, can bring about dividends now. And whatever you give out now is sure to breed happiness in the future - if or because you feel the generosity of Life itself flowing through you. You'll get the best out of this influence by fully appreciating its qualities rather than merely indulging in them, which can be the temptation. Spent well or squandered.
Possible Encounters: Romance - Bringers of Goodwill - Value for Money/Windfalls
From about: 13 Apr 2008   to about:  6 Jun 2008
*Jupiter Conjunct Moon New Cycle  
Significance: This is a very strong influence. It energises the situation in hand and both forces and enables you to advance and grow.
Keyphrases: Buoyant Emotions - Exaggerated Feelings - Increased Security 
Theme: Powerful emphasis upon your Moon Profile, giving you a stronger sense of how you feel and how you behave. Start of a new 11-12 year 'Belief-in-Belonging Cycle'.
You are liable to get carried away by the mood of the moment at present; so a lot depends upon what is currently preoccupying you. If you are stressed, then count to ten, for you could make a mountain out of a molehill - but then you shouldn't miss this opportunity to get in touch with your emotions. On the other hand, harmonious circumstances (indicated by other planetary influences) will allow you to feel very much a part of your surroundings, feeling closer than ever to others - especially family members and loved ones.
However, make sure that such people do not absorb too much of your psychic energy. All in all, this is a time to start putting your truest emotions on the map, understanding past influences, and setting a positive trend for future security.
Possible Encounters: Sentimentality - Reconciliation - Over-reactions - Mothering
From about: 25 Apr 2008   to about: 31 Jul 2008
*Uranus Square Neptune
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your relevant strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: Disrupting Illusions - Shocking Realisations - General Awakening
Theme: Forced awareness of your Neptune Profile through experiencing extremes of emotion, such as grief, ecstasy, allergy, anti-climax, enchantment, etc.
How you experience this time has a lot to do with how alive you are to the wonder of it all. There could be the extreme of feeling so high or low that you find it hard to function normally at all, or, the extreme of feeling very bored or frustrated as a result of habitually resisting the mysterious, intellectually unfathomable, or your spiritual obligation.
In any event, yours is now a case of waking up to the more subtle, sensitive and universal issues and areas of life; finding out how they work, how you can positively involve yourself in them, and not getting caught out trying to avoid them - either through rationalizing them way as being merely 'strange', or through abuse of drugs or alcohol.
Either of these escape routes could lead to mental or physical health problems later on - or simply waste years of your life. It is better that you now plunge into an alternative philosophy of life that offers some form of creative or practical explanation of what is happening to you. But try to exercise some discrimination in how you go about this.
Possible Encounters: Startling (In)Sights - Generational Revolutions and/or 
From about:  1 May 2008   to about: 31 Jul 2008
*Uranus Sextile Moon 
Significance: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.
Keyphrases: Freedom from Conditioning - New Feelings - Leaving the Past Behind
Theme: Opportunities to make original use of your Moon Profile through a change of needs, habit, home, or in the way you experience family or femininity.
If you are thinking of taking a chance, now is the time to do so. It is also a time when any changes that you have set in motion begin to take effect, possibly quite suddenly. This is an excellent period for gaining a new and refreshing sense of yourself, and proclaiming a big HELLO to your future.
Your relationships with women, mother, and the female side of your life and personality generally, will now become lighter, more open and aware. Many shadows that have previously darkened your path through life may now be lifted by simply moving into the light of truth.
Possible Encounters: Close Friendships - Liberating People - New Horizons 
From about:  6 Jun 2008   to about: 25 Jun 2008
*Jupiter Sextile Venus
Significance: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.
Keyphrases: Pleasant Gatherings - Attracting Joy and Prosperity - Happy Trails 
Theme: Chances to make more of your Venus Profile through appreciating your capacity for giving and receiving love better.
This is all about the more you give the more you get. Whatever you have been investing in life, emotionally or financially, can bring about dividends now. And whatever you give out now is sure to breed happiness in the future - if or because you feel the generosity of Life itself flowing through you. You'll get the best out of this influence by fully appreciating its qualities rather than merely indulging in them, which can be the temptation. Spent well or squandered.
Possible Encounters: Romance - Bringers of Goodwill - Value for Money/Windfalls
From about: 19 Jul 2008   to about: 31 Jul 2008
*Saturn Square Mercury
Significance: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your current strengths and weaknesses.
Keyphrases: Hard Work - Dull/Seriously Minded - Perception Tested - Groundwork
Theme: A powerful point of reckoning with regard to your Mercury Profile, where you have to organize your mental faculties.
Most things on the work and intellectual front are slowed down at this time. You are being tried as to whether any given project is worth the mental effort. If it is, then it will survive this period. You could be given more responsibility at work - or have your position tested. Any woolly thinking or slackness on your part will attract pressure from authority figures, which would include your own conscience.
Bear in mind that the intention of this influence is to stabilize your attitude, bringing it in line with the reality at hand. Disciplining your mind now, will serve you well for a long time to come. If in doubt, take your time and only speak if you are absolutely sure of what you wish to say. Allow for delays, especially while travelling.
Possible Encounters: Mental Focus/Pressure - Lack of Work - Dry Intellectualism
From about: 31 Jul 2008   to about: 31 Jul 2008
*Neptune Sextile Neptune 
Significance: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.
Keyphrases: Divine Inspiration - Easy Sensitivity - The Line of Least Resistance
Theme: Opportunities to become more subtly aware of your Neptune Profile, through attuning yourself to the Way of the Spirit.
This is not a particularly powerful planetary influence, simply because by its very nature it inclines you to passivity. This is in order to help you become more in sympathy with those currents and occurrences in life that can usually escape one's notice, but are fascinating and important for that very reason. And so, while your sixth sense is being thus enhanced, you may perceive more clearly your individual part in the cosmic scheme of things.
Possible Encounters: Mysticism - Compassion - Selflessness - Spiritual Rapport
From about: 31 Jul 2008   to about: 31 Jul 2008
*Jupiter Conjunct Mars New Cycle
Significance: This is a very strong influence. It energises the situation in hand and both forces and enables you to advance and grow.
Keyphrases: Increased Energy - Fortunate Moves - Devil-may-care - The Joy of Sex
Theme: A powerful emphasis upon your Mars Profile, enabling you to express your personal drive better. Start of new 11-12 year 'Faith-in-Self-Assertion Cycle'.
Your spirit of independence is strong now, so whatever you currently desire can be got - or got a lot closer to - by simply going for it. You feel more confident and exuberant than usual - even swashbuckling - during this period, so whatever you want to make happen, happens!
Afterwards, you may just find that you weren't so keen - but taking everything in gigantic strides as you are now, you are equally quick and sure to take your next leap forward. As long as you avoid overdoing it, a great deal can be accomplished during this period, and for as long as you can ride the crest of your own wave. Conversely, failing to express your desires or be sure of your own space at this time could give rise to inner tension.
Possible Encounters: Successful Launches - Sexual Adventures - Physical Exertion

General ways of making good use of your Year or Month Guides 
1. Quite apart from the actual Radix Planet(s) being transited at any given time, a predominant influence upon your life by a particular transiting Planet may be interpreted accordingly:
Pluto Transits - These are, or should be, life changing in a profound way. Pluto's influences are those of intensification, upheaval, elimination (of what is outworn), probing and deepening, purging, obsessing or concentrating, and are empowering or dis-empowering.
The best way to respond to Pluto is therefore through letting go of what or who you no longer need or is no longer there; getting more in touch with your deeper urges, feelings and fears; recognizing what or who is powerful in your life; and making the distinction between a positive expression of power and a negative one.
A Plutonian period in your life can be likened to a journey down and through, or an encounter with, the Underworld - that is, your deep subconscious mind. A Pluto Transit to one Radix Planet lasts around two to three years overall.
Neptune Transits - These are, or should be, life-changing in a subtle way. Neptune's influences are those of sensitisation, softening, mystification, fascination, temptation, inspiration, compassion, delusion, addiction, irritation, and are enlightening or undermining.
While very much under its influence - for Neptune is like a drug or gas, literally or metaphorically - you are advised to let things take their course without struggling or resisting too much, go with the flow, but at the same time avoid giving in to your weaknesses. Any pursuit that relieves, enlightens or entertains is a positive way of channelling
Neptune's influence - like healing, music, painting, writing, dancing, acting, any activities involving water, or that transcend the ego, like meditation, yoga, mysticism, etc. Most of all, an attitude of acceptance is appropriate.
A Neptunian period in your life can be likened to a voyage across or beneath, or an encounter with, the sea, attuning you to personal undercurrents or collective moods. A Neptune Transit to one Radix Planet lasts around two years overall.
Uranus Transits - These are, or should be, life changing in an unexpected way. Uranian influences are therefore those of revolution, rebellion, liberation, innovation, suddenness, explosiveness, originality, accident, co-incidence, and are awakening or disrupting and out of the ordinary.
The ideal way of responding to Uranus is with open-mindedness, a sense of experimentation, a willingness to look at things with alternative means that may well surprise or shock others, and by appreciating that you are receiving a message or an instruction from your unconscious, even though you might be unaware that such a thing could happen!
In effect then, Uranus is loosening up your idea of reality in order that you may adopt a more scientific, technological or esoteric overview of life processes. So a Uranian period in your life can be likened to flying or seeing the world from a higher vantage point. A Uranus Transit to one Radix Planet lasts around a year to eighteen months in all.
Saturn Transits - These are life stabilizing or life-testing in some way. Saturnian influences are therefore materially supportive or restrictive, consolidating or separative, firm or heavy, authoritative or oppressive, and are generally in aid of getting you organized and of making you aware of the status quo.
So it is advisable to meet Saturn with a sense of practicality, preparedness, matter-of-factness, a willingness to confront issues, and through using time as your instrument rather than being ruled by it. Saturn is about objectivity - which means to say that seeing things for what they are, and establishing and achieving your objectives, can and must be attended to, or begun to be so, under its influence.
A Saturnian period in your life is, or is like, an encounter with a figure of authority - and whether this is helpful or hindering, it is still in aid of your getting yourself together. A Saturn Transit to one Radix Planet lasts about a year overall.
Jupiter Transits - These are life-expanding or life-overdoing in some way. Jupiter's influences are therefore growth inducing or excessive, faith-inspiring or promising/expecting more than can be delivered, magnifying or exaggerating, and are generally in aid of showing you the bigger picture and how you fit into it, and how you can make more of yourself and life.
It is a good idea to meet Jupiter with a sense of enterprise, optimism and goodwill that is tempered with a sense of modesty and reality, and to keep an intuitive eye out for signs of where you are supposed to go next - for they will be there; and to cultivate enthusiasm for the overall feel of how things are developing, rather than attempting to prove logically or account for everything item by item.
A Jupiterian period in your life can be likened to having a sense, literally or symbolically, of being on life's highway, with the journeys, adventures, opportunities and destinations that this can lead to, and with the possible realisation that all is in aid of some sort of divine plan. A Jupiter Transit to one Radix Planet can be relatively fleeting or last overall for up to one year.

Month Guides Only:
Mars Transits - These are highly significant, especially when Conjoining, Squaring or Opposing a Radix Planet, because they can trigger the bigger, longer Transits described above, or they fire you up for good or ill.  It has to be said that 'for ill' usually means losing one's temper, or someone losing theirs with you or near you.  And so knowing your Mars Transits is vital if you wish to avoid or minimise conflagrations. This can also be crucial with regard to driving or sports, for you may be vulnerable to accident and injury during one of them
Mars Transits normally only last two to five days, but sometimes when the Planet goes 'stationary', or it transits a number of Radix planets in quick succession, you can have that hair-trigger energy around for up to a month.  It cannot be emphasised enough how much knowing your Mars Transits can help you to prevent upsets and regrets, while enabling you to use that energy wisely and productively.
Venus Transits - These are mild and usually pleasant, creating harmony and ease.  There can be an inclination to indulgence or indolence though!  Venus Transits are fleeting unless the planet has gone 'stationary' when one will last up to ten days or so.
Mercury transits - These are not that dynamic, but can cause you to feel mentally sharper or more on edge - depending on the type of aspect and your own temperament.  Mercury Transits are similar to Venus in duration.
Sun transits - These 'high-light' the quality of the planet in your chart that is being transited.  The Transiting Sun is indicative of the prevailing life circumstances around you.  It indicates whether or not this general current of events is in or out of harmony with you.  Sun Transits always last two or three days.
2. Last but by no means least, you need at all times to be aware of the possibility of Psychological Protection. This is probably the most commonly confusing trait of human nature, for it is our inclination to live out unconsciously parts of ourselves through others - because we cannot accept them as coming from ourselves, as they seem either too bad or too good to be true.
So in this way, any Transit can manifest its influences in the life, character, dilemma, or creative expression of one person or many people apparently distinct from yourself - but not really. Introjection, or the taking back of one's projections is the major key to both self-awareness and the future of Humanity. So watch and wonder, perceive and ponder - and admit it.

'Transcan' allows you to discover for yourself how any particular transit (in Year Guides only) relates to you very personally. For example, supposing you had Uranus Transiting your Mercury, then you would interpret this by linking the Uranus Keywords on the Left with the Mercury Keywords on the Right.
So for instance, you could be experiencing something that was Awakening your Perception of life but which also had a Disrupting effect upon the way you Work. Be imaginative and experimental with 'Transcan' and you'll tap into the dynamics of your life. Note: Words in "quotes" are recommended general responses to those transits.
Transiting Planets:   
Pluto's influence when positive is Regenerating, when negative it is Degenerating.  Key Response "Let Go".       
Neptune's influence when positive is Sensitising, when negative it is Undermining.  Key Response "Let It Be".        
Uranus's influence when positive is Awakening, when negative it is Disrupting.  Key Response "Loosen Up".       
Saturn's influence when positive is Stabilising, when negative it is Testing.  Key Response "Learn".       
Jupiter's influence when positive is Developing, when negative it is Exagerating.  Key Response "Launch".       
Radix Planets:
Sun being influenced affects Life in General, Vitality, Will, Creativity.
Moon being influenced affects Feelings, Emotional Security, Care
Mercury being influenced affects Perception, Reason, Communication, Work, Study.
Venus being influenced affects Love-Life, Art, Values, Pleasures, Money.  
Mars being influenced affects Energy, Anger/Danger, Self-Assertion, Sex-Life.
Jupiter being influenced affects Plans, Morals, Beliefs, Opportunity, Enthusiasm.
Saturn being influenced affects Life-Order, Status, Material Security, Responsibility.
Uranus being influenced affects Freedom, Originality, Technology, Alternatives
Neptune being influenced affects Sensitivity, Imagination, Illusion, Ideals.  
Pluto being influenced affects Insight, Power, Obsessions, Destiny, Endings.
Ascendant being influenced affects Persona, Outlook, Relationships.              
Midheaven being influenced affects Worldly Position - Home/Family Life.

Discovering a clear direction in life
From reading your Soul Guide, I hope that you have been able to make the most out of any advantages and opportunities, and to learn and profit from any lessons or challenges that your planetary transits have presented you with along your life track.
Most of all, I would like to think that you have been able to sense that there is something about you and within you that is trying to get you or keep you on course with your true direction - often in spite of where you think you want to go!
The way I see it is this: Humanity has lost its way somewhat, and it is only through each one of us as individuals finding our way back to our true path that we as a species will do so as well.
There really is a rhyme and a reason to life - yours and mine. But I believe we have to look at life from a different perspective in order to perceive this. Astrology can provide you with this new perspective. Lyn Birkbeck.
Copyright 2007 Lyn Birkbeck

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